Secretes, Lies, and Fire Trucks

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Cam was walking into the house from his trailer but stopped and hid when he noticed something that should have surprised him but didn’t.

Fernando scaling down the house, trying to stay hidden.

He decided to hide and wait, not really interested in getting involved in Kimmy and Fernando’s drama. After getting his laughter under control from watching Fernando fall to the ground, he waited a few seconds before continuing his way to the back door.

“Morning, guys.” Cam went into the kitchen, walking past the odd acting Fernando and getting himself a drink.

“Morning, Cam.” DJ greeted.

“I just dropped by to pick up Ramona, I did not literally drop, of course. If I had dropped, I would have to be on the roof and why would I be on the roof?” Fernando said awkwardly, “And by the way, here’s your frisbee.” He said, holding out to Jackson his orange frisbee he had thrown onto the roof a few weeks ago.

“Papa, what are we doing today?” Ramona asked happily, going to stand next to Fernando.

“We’re going to the zoo.” He said, making Ramona sigh.

“I’m not a little kid anymore. So, no more zoo, no more American Girl store, no more Build-A-Bear-"

“Whoa!” Fernando cut off his daughter, “I can live without the zoo and the bears. But the American Girl store?” He wailed. “They’re not just dolls. They’re heroes with emotional stories.”

Thankfully they were cut off from Fernando’s whining when the doorbell rang.

“Oh, I know who that is.” Stephanie sung.

“Me, too. Come on, everybody.” DJ claimed, gesturing everyone to the front door.

“Hey everybody!” Danny greeted when Steph opened the door, giving him a hug.

Everyone said their hellos as he hugged everybody.

“Hey, grandkids, hi.”

“Hey, Grampa.” Cam hugged him back with his brothers.

Danny sent Kimmy a wave.

“Dad, you don’t have to ring the doorbell. It is your house.” Stephanie said.

“He was probably cleaning it.” Cam whispered to Jackson.

“I wasn’t ringing it, I was, uh, cleaning it.” Danny confirmed, making Cam smile and fist bump Jackson.

“Either way, that you for not just barging into my home.” Kimmy said.

“Yeah. I hate people who do that.” Danny deadpanned, thinking back to all the times during Kimmy’s childhood she would barge through the kitchen door. ‘Hola Tanneritos’ haunting his mind.

“Dad, it’s so great to see you again.” DJ claimed, Tommy sat in her arms.

“This worked out so great. I get to hang out with everybody for a whole day, right before my big Wake Up, San Francisco reunion show.”

“Isn’t it kinda sad when they drag out the old cast for some lame reunion show?” Kimmy mentioned.

“Not when the show is adored by millions and the stars are beloved cultural icons.” Danny sassed back.

“Grampa, did you bring us anything?” Max asked.

Cam nudged him on the back, “A little tact, kid. Huh?”

“Your present is seeing your grampa.” DJ input.

“But it’d be more of a present, if he had real presents.” Jackson claimed.

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