New Kids in the House

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Cam was in the kitchen with the rest of the household, with the exception of DJ and Tommy and they were setting up banners and balloons for his mother’s 39th birthday. DJ walked into the kitchen and started waving them off, “Oh, I told you all to ignore my—”

“Get out!” Everyone yelled at her, making DJ quickly retreat into the living room.

“I like carrot cake.” DJ said, walking into the kitchen again, Stephanie and Kimmy pushing her out and following her into the living room to make sure she stays out.


Cam and Ramona were putting icing on the cupcakes they baked while Max and Jackson sat at the kitchen counter, watching them.

“How are we gonna fit 39 candles on one cupcake?” Jackson asked.

“We’re not.” Ramona and Cam chorused.

“But that’s how old she is.” Jackson said, confused.

“You know nothing about women.” Max pointed at him, making Cam snicker.

“This is so exciting.” Fernando said as he walked into the room holding a massive present for DJ as he continued to ramble in Spanish before turning to the kids, “Not to boast, but my birthday present to DJ is going to make your gifts look like chopped liver.”

“Stephanie.” Kimmy called out, walking downstairs into the kitchen.

“Kimmy.” Stephanie replied, walking through the living room door and they met in the middle, “So? Did you find three more tickets?”

“Better. I got us a meeting with New Kids on the Block.” Kimmy smiled.

“Are you sure you don’t just mean New Kids on the Clock?” Stephanie asked, doubtfully. For DJ’s birthday, Kimmy had gotten the ‘She-Wolf Pack’ three front row seats to New Kids on the Block, which was one of DJ’s dreams, only to find out after telling DJ that they were tickets to New Kids on the Clock. Now they were trying to hide it from DJ and still make it happen.

“Anyway, I’m gonna ask them for front row tickets. Because I’m president of the Blockheads For New Kids Fan Club International.” Kimmy said.

“That’s not a thing.” Cam pointed out, looking at Kimmy.

“They don’t know that. Shh.” Kimmy shrugged with a small smirk.


“Gotta wrap mom’s jewellery box. Where’s the key?” Jackson asked Cam, Allie (who had just arrived), Ramona, and Max. 

“I hid it some place fun.” Max said. “I got the idea from a Hallmark movie starring Dean Cain and the delightful Lori Loughlin.”

“I saw that!” Ramona claimed, “Dean hid a diamond ring in a glass of champagne and when Lori found it, she… She cried.” Ramona said emotionally, staring to tear up. “So did I.”

“It was her last chance for love.” Max said sadly, also starting to cry.

“And she found it!” Allie added, crying as well as they hugged each other in comfort.

Cam and Jackson shared a look before looking back at the emotional trio in confusion.

The doorbell rang and all five of them called out, “It’s always open!”

As DJ went to greet whoever was at the door, Cam guessed it was Steve or Matt, or even both, the rest of the house gathered in the kitchen before Jackson poked his head through the door into the living room.

“Hey, mom, ready for your surprise party. So, act surprised.”

“I can do that.” They heard DJ say.

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