Best Summer Ever

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“Morning, everyone.” Cam greeted as he walked into the kitchen, sitting down at the table with Kimmy and Stephanie.

“It’s so nice to wake up early and have a few minutes of calm before the storm.” DJ said as she moved a plate filled with pancakes and fruit in front of her son. The four of them had their own coffee mugs with the first letter of their name on it.

“You jinxed it.” Cam said as he saw Steve and CJ through the window, making their way to the kitchen door.

“Big news!” Steve yelled as soon as they entered.

“Hello, storm.” DJ welcomed.

“CJ and I have something very important to-- ooh pancakes.” Steve started before getting distracted by food and taking it off Stephanie’s plate.

CJ laughed, “Steve and I have set a date. We are getting married at the end of the Summer… in Japan.”

“Huh?” The engaged couple smiled towards the family.

“Huh?” Cam, DJ, Stephanie, and Kimmy echoed, unsure what else to say.

“We’re going to Japan because that’s where my stepfather lives. And he’s paying for the whole thing.” CJ explained further, getting understanding nods in return.

“We really want you guys to come. I mean, I know Japan is a tad inconvenient.” Steve said.

“No, it’s not. It’s just a hop, skip, and a 6,000-mile jump.” Cam sassed teasingly.

“You do know that there’s a really nice Benihana right around the corner.” Stephanie told the couple.

“What she’s trying to say is, we’ll be there.” DJ told them.

“Great. All right!” Steve celebrated before turning to Cam, “What about Allie and Ollie. We see them so much we want to invite them as well.”

“The Blakes are on holiday at the moment as a reward for finishing collage. They won’t be back for a few weeks. But I can message them and ask.” Cam claimed, frowning at the thought of being separated from his best friend and girlfriend.

“Just let us know. Oh, honey, we got to get going. We have to sign up for our gift registries.” Steve brushed off before turning to CJ.

“Ah, Crate and Barrel, Pottery Barn…”

“And Applebee’s!” Steve cut CJ off, “I love their potato skins. You know… honey, we’re gonna go to that one first.” He said before leaving, dragging CJ with him, and closing the back door behind him.

“Wow. Steve is really getting married.” DJ sighed.

“And not to you.” Kimmy added, standing up and wandering over to DJ, who was now at the kitchen counter. “Which is fine if you happen to hate fairy tales and happy endings.”

“Would you just admit defeat, Team Steve?” Stephanie said.

“What is Kimmy on about? Isn’t mom with Matt?” Cam asked his aunt.

“Yeah, well, you’re mom was going to pick Steve.” Stephanie told him, making Cam gape for a bit before smiling.

“Ollie owes me $20.” Cam smirked at his aunt.

“But they aren’t together.” Stephanie pointed out.

“We bet on who she would choose, not who she would end up with.” Cam clarified.

“Well, it’s all right because she has found her perfect match in Dreamy Dr. Matt.” Stephanie claimed.

“He is pretty dreamy.” DJ agreed, “In fact, I had a dream about him last night.” She claimed, making Cam gag out loud and focus on his breakfast.

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