2) Decisions Were Made

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I quickly figured out what Janson meant about making exceptions for the rooms. Since there were so many Mazes coming in and out, and they didn't separate them some guys and girls were sharing rooms. Because I got shot I was the last one to get one assigned. This also meant I was the only one with Aris which admittedly felt kind of awkward. Then again it could be worse. I could literally be dead or have to be near someone like Beth. That would be true hell.

"This place feels kind of off. Don't you think?"He asked.

"I don't know. That Janson guy is alright. He's a bit odd though,"I shrugged.

"You don't think there's something weird about this place?"He asked.

"Of course it's going to feel weird. All we remember is an ice prison. I'd be surprised if it felt normal,"I pointed out.

"I don't know. I don't think that's it."

"What do you think it is then?"I asked, unbuttoning the journal.

"It just feels weird that they knew when to show up. Then, they just wanted to leave you there. If their goal is to help why would they just leave you?"

"I don't know. It's over now. You just need to relax a little bit."

He didn't look any more reassured at my words. Looking down at my extra pen I tossed it to him. He looked at me confused.

"Just write down whatever comes to mind. It's probably one of the best de-stressers, and you look like you need one."

"I didn't get a journal."

"I've got paper. Come on,"I said, patting the empty spot on my bed. He quickly joined me as I ripped a page out.

"What do I write?"He asked.

"Anything you want. Lists, ideas, goals, diary entries. Anything at all."

"What do you write?"He asked.

"The point of this is no one sees them. If I were you I'd use the wall so you can actually write."

"Where'd you get this anyway? I thought yours was destroyed?"He questioned.

"I'll tell you later. Now hush up. You can only truly concentrate with silence."

He finally gave me a nod and started writing. I faced the opposite direction but still kept my head on his shoulder.

Reasons to agree
1)I won't have to worry when I look in mirrors
2)I'll never have to deal with annoying questions
3)I won't be reminded of the Shades
4)I won't itch when something bad happens
5)I might finally feel pretty

Reasons to disagree
1)I don't know who these people are
2)I don't know what they'd do to get rid of the scars
3) It's possible it could make them worse

I knew there was still more to worry about. Just how extreme were the negatives? Could this truly fix me, and if it did would it do what I hoped? Would it truly make me feel better, even a bit more human?

I know that last one wasn't exactly my fault. I didn't ask for the names I was called. That did nothing to stop them from hurting though. It did nothing to bring back who I was. My once happy adventurous self might still be gone forever. Even if I am happier I know I'll always have a reminder right on my face for the world to see.

If I could go back in time and warn myself of what was going to happen I would. Unfortunately, it doesn't work like that. I would forever wear the mark of that day.

"Are you okay?"Aris asked. I hadn't even realized the little tears dripping down my face.

"Yeah. There's just a lot to take in,"I admitted.

"I know. Why don't you get some sleep? It might make you feel better,"He suggested.

"That's probably a good idea,"I agreed.

He neatly folded the paper and tucked it in his pocket. I put my journal under my bed.

"Can you stay?"I asked quietly. I had gotten so used to sleeping with him next to me I wasn't sure if I could without him. Especially, since I had something so big to think about.

"Of course. I'll be right here when you wake up,"He promised. Nodding my head I turned over to face him. I finally allowed my eyes to flutter shut with his hand in mine.


"You can't leave. We can't leave."

"We're not going back to the Maze."

"WCKD is good."

"If we give him up we'll be fine."

"No, no, no, no. Stay awake. You're going to be fine."

"We can't go back."

"Stay with me."

"We'll just give him up."

"Don't die on me!"

"WCKD is good."

Hearing the gunshot go off I sat up and hit my head on something. Panting and covered in sweat I realized it was a top bunk. Every memory of where I was returned.

"Y/N? What happened?"Aris asked. I couldn't speak. My eyes couldn't help but gaze around the room for her, for anyone really. It was still the same as when I went to sleep.

"It's just us. We're the only ones in the room. They're nobody else here to hurt you,"He coaxed. I was still in to much shock to speak.

"Don't do that. You're going to make yourself bleed,"He said, gently pulling my hand away. Little spots of red were already under my fingernails. I did it in my sleep again. I thought I was done with that. It only happened when I dreamed of the Shades. Only there's a new nightmare to worry about.

"Lie down. You'll only make it worse if you stay up,"He said softly. Knowing that he was right I lay my head back down on the pillow.

"I'm going to fix the problem. I'm letting them get rid of the scars,"I whispered. Except he didn't hear because he was already fast asleep. Maybe that was for the best until I knew what to say. All I could do now was try to get some sleep of my own.

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