3) Different Sides

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"Hey. Y/N, are you there?"Minnie asked, waving a hand in my face.

"Uh, yeah. I'm here,"I said, trying not to trip over my words.

"What's up with you? You've been distracted the entire breakfast."

"I'm fine. I'm listening,"I lied.

"You're zoning out, and you haven't even touched your plate. Are you sure?"She whispered.

"I said I'm fine Minnie. I'm just tired. I'm allowed to be tired, right?"I said, admittedly kind of snappy.

I know the decision shouldn't cause me to be this stressed, but for some reason it was the only thing I could think about. Maybe it was nerves. I just didn't know how to explain why this was so important to me. Still, I had to find Janson and tell him. The sooner I get this over with the better.

Speaking of which he was whispering to one of the guards. Without paying attention to anything but that I stood up and walked over.

"This is a private conversation,"The guard said.

"No. It's alright. I believe you want to talk about the decision?"He asked.

"Yes,"I answered.

"Why don't we go somewhere out of earshot. I'm sure this is very emotional for you,"He offered. I agreed and followed him out into the hall.

"You know we want to help you, right?"He asked.

"I know."

"Then, you have to have trust in us. Here we are,"He announced, stopping in front of a big white door. He put his badge up to a scanner on the side and it slid open.

I stepped into a huge white room. Every inch was spotless, shining even. In the middle was a white desk with a single chair in front of it. He took a seat behind it. I hesitantly took the other one.

"What have you thought about?"He asked.

"I think I want to get rid of them,"I said, almost mumbling.

"What are your doubts?"He questioned.

"I just, I don't know what happens. I don't know if it might make it worse, and I'm scared of how my friends will react,"I admitted.

"Why should you care about their opinion? They don't live with these things on your face,"He pointed out.

"Well, they're my friends. I care about what they think."

"What about what you think? It could make your life easier. Those kids in the cafeteria will stop staring, people won't ask you anything, and you could finally forget about whatever happened."

"What do you mean? No one is staring,"I said defensively.

"You haven't noticed? Then again they look away when your friends glare at them."
"They do?"I asked, feeling more tears fill my eyes. They had probably been through the unthinkable, and they had time to notice.

"That can all go away. All you need to do is agree,"He urged.

"I will. I want these things gone forever. I don't want a single line,"I demanded.

"There won't be. Just sign this,"He instructed, pushing a clipboard filled with papers in my hands. I looked at it and tried to read as much as I could.

"Don't worry about all that. It just says you agree to anything that happens next week,"He explained.

I looked back at the pen in my hand. All I had to do was write my name.

So I did. I pressed the pen to the page and watched the blue ink spell out each letter. With that my fate was sealed.

"Brilliant. I believe breakfast is over. Why don't I lead you back to your room?"He offered. I stood up and followed him out. How bad would Aris take this? I was about to find out.

Nothing But Each Other (book 2. of Nothing But Trouble)Where stories live. Discover now