7) Unfortunate Truth's

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"That's what I've been thinking too,"Sonya whispered after we had explained our suspicious and plans.

"There's just something about them that makes me feel uneasy. All this reassurance with no real answer doesn't seem normal,"Harriet added.

"We have to get out of here soon though. Since there are only five of us some of us could be called very soon. If that happens we're screwed,"Minnie pointed out.

"I've been thinking about that too, but at that point all we could do is run, hide, and if it comes down to it fight,"Aris added.

"I'm definitely down to fight them. They're so condescending in such a subtle way,"Minnie said. That was more more than true.

"Or they're fake nice. That's worse,"Harriet responded. That's another undeniable fact. Fake nice people are worse than jerks. If someone's pretending to like you they're going to do something bad, and it'll come out of nowhere. Right now we can't afford to be caught off guard by anything.

"I'm a bit nervous about the actual world though. Don't get me wrong, I'd explore it in a heartbeat. It's just how it is. We all saw it,"Minnie said absentmindedly. "Besides you Y/N. You were busy getting shot,"She added.

"Is it that bad?"I asked, ignoring her second statement. I care more about what it would be like when we get out. Besides, no matter where we went she would make a remark. That wasn't changing anytime soon.

"It's hot,"Harriet said hesitantly.

"And sandy,"Sonya added.

"It's pretty much all a desert. Like you saw before you played hero,"Minnie explained.

"No offense Minnie, but can we not focus on Y/N getting shot right now and worry about getting out of here?"Aris asked, bouncing his leg up and down. I grabbed his hand under the table and intertwined our fingers. He ran his thumb over my knuckles. Despite there being a thousand negative things in our lives right now anything with him would always be a positive. It would forever be the most pure type of comfort you can imagine.


"Let's go over the plan one more time. Minnie, what's your part?"I asked.

"If someone shows up cause a disturbance to where they have to turn around. If they didn't pretend I'm lost,"She repeated.

"I'm on lookout and backup in case you need help looking. If Minnie needs to do her part I get you,"Aris said before I could ask.

"And I just have to sneak into his office, look at the contract, find a key, and get back here before anyone sees. This shouldn't be too bad, right?"I asked nervously.



I looked at both of them with their completely different reactions. It didn't really surprise me. Minnie never stopped preparing for anything but the worst.

"It's going to be fine Y/N. We've got this,"Aris assured me.

"We better. Here's my stop,"I stated, checking to see that no one was in his office. Once I was sure it was all clear I pulled the vent out.

"We'll be right outside Y/N. We'll see soon. Just keep your head clear, and you'll find it,"Minnie reassured me. I gave her a genuine grateful smile before stepping into his office. They headed to their positions, and I was ready to find out what was really going on here. At least, physically. Mentally I was scared for just how bad the answer was.

There was no time to think like that though. Plus, this place was full of cabinets and drawers. It's not as if I could just throw everything around either. This was going to suck.

I pushed all those thoughts to the back of my mind as I looked in the first cabinet only to find it stuffed with pages along pages. None of them seemed to be in any order. So far things weren't looking very positive, and it's only been five minutes.


I groaned as yet another drawer let me down. It didn't help that I was barely halfway through.

I refused to give up though. I did not spend years in the Spring, get stung by a Shade, and get shot in the shoulder, just to die in whatever this place is.

Or maybe worse. Despite this seeming impossible I needed to know. Not just for me but for my friends. This may make our escape easier.

I came across a locked cabinet and realized something big was inside here. Luckily, I had experience with unlocking things. I accidentally locked myself in the Maproom twice. After that I decided I needed to know how to get out of it.

I picked up a pen and unscrewed it. Once I had the spring I twisted it just enough so it wouldn't be to bendy. Holding my breath in anticipation I started fiddling with the lock, twisting and turning the metal. After what seemed like forever I heard a click. Excitement, relief, and anxiety flowed through my veins. I picked up the first paper.


This was it. This was what I needed. I shut the cabinet and started to scan the pages when I heard the vent open. I snapped my head up to see Aris with a panicked look on his face.

"He's coming. We have to go,"He urged. Not a second later the beep of the door about to open. I darted under the desk, and Aris ended up following my lead. We barely made it in time when the door opened.

"I can't believe she keeps telling me to hurry. I already know what Right Arm is,"Janson grumbled to himself. I held my breath and kept as still as possible.

"Of course I know they're on our trails. Does she think I'm an idiot?"He continued, walking near us. I held my breath when I heard tapping. I looked over to see Aris bouncing his leg, something he always did when he was nervous. This was absolutely a time to be nervous, but silence was crucial.

With the little bit of room we had to move I gently placed my hand on his knee so he would realize what he was doing.

"All of them are just ruining everything for me,"He kept ranting, walking closer. By now Aris and I were squeezed so close together it was hard to tell where one of us began and the other ended.

Aris put his hand on top of mine as we sat there, terrified of what could happen if we got caught. The little bit of silent reassurance was enough to calm my heart beat just enough for it to seem less noticeable.

"Janson, we have a code blue,"A voice said. Janson cursed under his breath before hurrying out. Despite it seeming like he was going to be busy for a while we didn't dare move an inch apart until a significant amount of time had passed.

"We should probably get going. We don't know when he'll get back,"I pointed out.

"Agreed,"He nodded, pulling me up. As he did he saw the contract in my hand.

"Is that it?"He asked hesitantly.

"It is, but right now I'm going to keep it with me. I don't feel like having to come back here tomorrow,"I explained.

"I'm with you there. Come on. Minnie's probably getting worried,"He responded. That was another unfortunate truth.

There were a lot of those, and I may just be holding the biggest one.

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