31) Wrong Words

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“Look at how cute they are. All cuddled up.”

“Yeah. It's too bad that they're just friends.”

“Maybe you and I could be just friends?”

“Minho, shut the hell up.”

“Why’s everyone talking?”I groaned, prying Aris’s arms from around me as I sat up.

“Because we’ve got people to rescue. First though, we needed our daily morning commentary,”Minnie explained.

“No. You don't. You could just leave it alone?”I suggested.

“Nah. That's no fun.”

“Well, we don't find you guys fun when you do this, but here we are.”

“Yeah, yeah. Just wake your lover up so we can get going,”Minho shrugged, waving me off before going to wake a few others up with Minnie. As they walked though, I couldn't help but notice their shoulders brush against each other. Making an internal note of it, I held back a grin before looking down at Aris. With those same bags under his eyes as when I met him and his hair not even having grown an inch, his presence was still so comforting. Even if he looked completely different it would be, but I like the way he looks now.

I also know that I would like the way he looks no matter what.

“Hey,”I whispered, running my fingers through his hair. Mumbling something incoherent, he yawned as he opened his eyes. “We’ve to get going.”

“Yeah. I know,”He mumbled, stretching as he sat up. In the meantime, I pulled my scarf up, covering my face as always. Hearing him let out a small sigh before seeming to realize as he went quiet, I looked at him to see him looking back. With a half shrug, he sort of apologized, sort of told me he still didn't understand why I would hide my face.

“It's time to get going then. Eat as we walk and all that good stuff,”Newt pointed out.

“Yeah. I guess we're following this shank,”Frypan nodded.

Picking my backpack up, I found two granola bars. Shoving them in my pockets, I put my bag on before glancing up to see Aris holding out his hand. Accepting it, I let him pull me to my feet.

It's obviously not the first time we’ve touched. It's not the first time his hands have been holding mine.

It is the first time to be with him like this after kissing him. Actually kissing him.

With my face heating up, I found his gaze completely fixated on me, as if he was looking straight into my soul. As if he could see through the fabric and was taking in my features he constantly called beautiful. And even though I didn't quite agree, I couldn't deny the way my heart would sometimes skip a beat when he did say it.

Somehow making my blush worse, he kissed my fingertips.

Thankfully, I wasn't the only one as he was a light pink.

“Come on, hermanos. I’ll lead you to the wonderful Scorch City,”Jorge announced, pulling us back down to reality. Keeping his hand in mine, he laced our finger together as we began yet another journey. All because Thomas just had to run off and this stick just had to kidnap us.

At the same time, last night may have been a result from that. A wonderful, unbelievably perfect result that I had been yearning after.

And hopefully the result of that result will be just as great.


The day wasn't any different than the others had been. We were just walking, talking, and heading to our destination. It's just that now we're following someone to a new place, that held who knows what, and hopefully Thomas.

Nothing But Each Other (book 2. of Nothing But Trouble)Where stories live. Discover now