30) In Sync

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The walk was short. Mainly because we never left this building either.

Just two stories above where we landed was the most comfortable sleeping place I've seen since we've been out here. While that's not saying much, it's something.

I don't know why this dude has a bunch of random blankets and supplies shoved into hidden cabinets, but I'm not surprised. He clearly has a lot of odd things about him, and I have a feeling we're only going to see more.

"I really am glad you're okay. That you ended up coming with me,"He whispered, tracing his thumb over my scar.

"I had to. You said you need me,"I smiled.

"Because I do."

"I need you too. I always have,"I admitted.

"And I've always needed you. I don't need memories to know that."

"So if we ever did get pulled apart, what do you think the reason would be? If you had to guess?"

"Nothing. Nothing could pull me away from you,"He insisted.

"Okay. Hypothetically then. What would pull us apart?"

"Death,"He answered quickly.


"Yes. Death is the only thing that could keep you from me. I'll fight anyone and anything for you. Death is just the only thing I can't. Not that I know of yet."


"Yeah. I'd have to try,"He nodded.

"You can't fight death."

"I would try if I had to. I would do it for you."

"You're going to do the impossible?"

"If that's what it takes to stay with you, yes,"He said firmly.

"Your turn to ask something,"I pointed out, ignoring the blush on my face. Despite the way there was no way he didn't notice he did the same, still tracing the scars I so desperately tried to get rid of.

"What do you think life would be like if you weren't put in the jail with me that night? Do you think things would be different?"

"Just a little bit. I think it would have taken us a day or two longer to get close, but we would still find our way to each other. You're my home so I would have to. If I'm yours, you would know the way."

"You are. You're my home no matter where we are."

"Even in literal hell?"

"Especially, in literal hell. That's when I really need to hold on to what matters. That's when I need something to believe in. Something to remember that the world isn't all bad,"He explained.

"And it isn't. Even when it sucks, there's always going to be something good in it."

"Or someone."

"Yeah. Or someone."

"Okay. Your turn,"He reminded me.

"Do you believe in unconditional love?"

"Yes. I do."

"Why? Shouldn't all love have limits?"

"Life can have limits. It can do something to change the person who means so much. The person could become something they aren't, but you can still love someone. Just because you have to leave someone behind doesn't mean your love has to go away. Or even that it can."

"Even if that person changes because of something they did?"

"Yes. You could still love who they were."

Nothing But Each Other (book 2. of Nothing But Trouble)Where stories live. Discover now