20) No Control

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The world was newer to me than the others  so the high winds and sharp sand hit me harder than I could have ever prepared for. Putting my hands in front of my face, I trudged along with everyone else, digging my heels into the ground so I didn't get knocked over. Putting my shirt over my mouth so I couldn't inhale the particles, I slid down a hill into an abandoned building. Going through the shattered windows, I helped the people after me in just as lights from their vehicles were seen. Despite being almost buried we crouched to the ground, me instinctively putting my hand on Aris's knee. Putting his over mine, I intertwined our fingers as my heart beat faster than it should.

After what seemed like hours we could no longer hear them. Slowly standing up, I subtly kept my hand in his as we stood with the group.

“What happened?”the girl asked.

“It's WCKD, Teresa. It was always WCKD,”Thomas answered, causing the three of us to glance at each other. Minnie took a small step back as she looked her up and down, trying to see if she truly was as untrustworthy as the journal described. Nobody but us really seemed to notice.

“So what's the plan, Tommy?”Newt asked.


“You have a plan, right?”He repeated. He just remained silent. “We followed you out here, and you're telling me you don't have a plan?”He clarified.

“You saw Rachel. Would you rather be in that state?”Minnie pointed out.

“No, but we have to have some ideas of what happens next.”

“We're going to the mountains. They're scared of a rebellion group called Right Arm,”She explained.

“People? In the mountains? Mountain people?”

“If you have a better idea you can say it or you could just go back. I’ve got to look out for my friends and maybe get back to mine, okay?”She sighed. “That goes for all of you. If you don't want to trust us fine, but just remember that we put our lives on the line for total strangers. If you come with us, we still will. If you don't it doesn't make a difference to me,”She said firmly.

“We’re going to the mountains with you. We got out together, right? And we worked well so clearly it's best to stay that way,”Minho pointed out.

“Bugging mountain people,”Newt sighed.

“Yeah. Mountain people. Now we should probably look around. We’ve got a long way to go,”She suggested, grabbing a bag and putting it over her shoulder. Letting go of his hand, I gave Aris his own. With a thankful nod, when Minnie handed him her weapon he did the same before zipping it up.

“Let’s look around for a bit, and stay here for the night,”She suggested.

“Who put you in charge?”the dark skinned boy asked.

“If you want to go out there, fine. I’m choosing total safety instead of total darkness,”She shrugged.

“I feel like we need official introductions,”I spoke up, deciding a debate was not a good idea right now.

“Good that. I’m Newt.”


“Just call me Frypan.”


“My name’s Jack.”



“I’m Minnie.”


“Y/N. So now that that's out of the way let’s get looking for anything that could be useful,”I suggested.

Nothing But Each Other (book 2. of Nothing But Trouble)Where stories live. Discover now