12) Unsent Letters

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"So just like that? It was just sitting there?"Minnie asked in disbelief.

"Yeah. It was just stuffed in some random journal in the back of a drawer. What about you? Did you find anything?"I asked, moving closer in anticipation.

"Sort of,"She trailed off.

"Sort of? What do you mean sort of?"Aris asked.

"I mean I didn't find an exit, but I found something I think could really help us. So basically-"
"Where are you taking her?!"

We all turned to see what the yelling was about. Whether that meant craning out necks, intensely staring, or subtly glancing, if something was happening we needed to know. No matter how miniscule it seems we need to keep an eye out for something new.

So some kid yelling at the guards was definitely that.

"Teresa!"He kept yelling, turning and looking out the window. Following his gaze, we saw a girl with chestnut hair going somewhere with the guards. After she was out of sight we turned our attention back to the scene in front of us.

"Thomas, Thomas. Come on,"A blonde boy said with an authoritative tone directed. Beside him was the Asian boy from earlier though this Thomas kid didn't acknowledge either of them. At least, not until the blonde held an arm out.

He turned around to go with his friends. Just as we thought it was over he turned around and angrily shoved him while still screaming.

As things were about to get nasty Janson walked into the room. Without realizing I tensed up and kept my eyes glued to him. As my brain was coming up with a million scenarios of what he had planned I felt Aris place a hand on my thigh.

Somehow, this seemed to bring me back down as my heart stopped beating in my ears as loud as before. I placed my hand over his as I seemed to genuinely be getting calmer.

"I swear I've heard his name before. I don't know where, but I think he's important somehow,"Minnie mumbled.

"The interview. There was something about an old WCKD worker called Thomas. He's around his age too,"Aris whispered.

"Interview?"I questioned.

"While they were bandaging you up they sat us in front of a camera and asked us a bunch of useless questions about our feelings, the Spring, WCKD, and all that. I swear they said something about him though,"Minnie answered.

"They did. They were asking something about a cure. They said something about him knowing about it."

"If he's connected to them but just tried to fight them then he can't be on their side. Maybe he knows something that could help us out,"I suggested.

"I don't know, but I think we should find out. Tonight I say we find his room, and see if he goes with us,"Aris added.

"And if he doesn't agree?"

"Then, he'll be stuck here for all eternity and won't be our problem. It sounds cruel, but those guys don't really matter. We need to get to Sonya and Harriet. If he doesn't want to help and get out of this death sentence that's on him,"Minnie pointed out.

"Okay. Then, we'll all-"
"Y/N, it's nice to see your friends came around,"A fake friendly voice said. Without hesitation Aris took his hand off of my thigh and intertwined our fingers.

"Yeah. It's great,"I mumbled, not turning around to face him.

"That's nice to hear. Everyone is filing out though. You should all do the same and just head to your room. You wouldn't want to be left behind, would you?"

Nothing But Each Other (book 2. of Nothing But Trouble)Where stories live. Discover now