9) Playing The Long Game

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"That son of a bitch,"Minnie mumbled as she subtly looked at the contract.

"You know what this means, right?"I asked.

"Yeah. We have to shoot him,"She said with her full chest.

"I was thinking something more along the lines of escape,"I corrected.

"How about both?"Sonya suggested.

"If we have time for that then that's reasonable,"I agreed.

So far we had just been acting like this was a normal conversation. We had only found out we were all being experimented on basically our entire lives, I had accidentally agreed to be killed, and we still don't know what they plan to do to them. It's just another normal day.

At least, that's how we have to act if we want our chance to escape.

"So how do we get out? Do you think the vents lead somewhere outside?"Harriet whispered.

"I don't care what they lead to. As long as it's out of here it's just fine with me,"Minnie promised. "Bonus points if it doesn't involve anymore close calls to death,"She added.

"Really Minnie?"I asked, giving her a stone-faced stare.

"Listen Y/N. You isolate yourself to deal with awful things, and I became funnier. One of them is superior."

"I don't think either of those are very good coping mechanics,"Aris pointed out.

"None of us have any. You become passive aggressive to everyone,"She stated, pointing at Aris. "You hide away from everyone,"She continued, gesturing to Harriet. "And you just pretend it's not happening,"She finished, nodding towards Sonya.

"That's super great Minnie. Now are you done exposing our unhealthy traits so we can focus on the important things?"I pleaded.

"Yep. Let's list the basic facts. The people here are extremely manipulative and great at playing fake nice. There are guards around nearly every entrance, and you need a badge to get through the doors. Those are the road blocks here. How do we get around them?"

"What are our biggest strengths?"I asked.

"I'm good at manipulating people. I really know how to screw with their heads and make them do what I want,"Minnie spoke up.

"You know this how?"Aris asked.

"Which of you stood in line to get my breakfast this morning, and dinner yesterday, and every meal here?"She asked.

"Okay. Point proven,"I agreed as Aris took in the information that he has successfully been convinced to do something for her his entire time here without even realizing. I'm not sure if that's more impressive or intimidating.

"I'm a logical thinker,"Harriet added which was true. She was the leader for a reason.

"I'm good with a knife, in more ways than one,"Sonya pointed out.

"I guess I'm quick witted,"Aris shrugged. I nodded in agreement as I racked my brain for my own strengths that could be at sort of help. Before I had a chance Janson came in with another list in his hand. My blood ran cold as I quickly tore my eyes away from him.

"Alright. By now you all know how this works. If I call your name you'll line up,"He instructed. Only now that I knew the truth did I hear the malicious tone in his voice.

"Maze C, Cameron and Alice,"He called. Two kids who looked like twins stood up. Despite looking so similar they reacted so differently. The girl was picking at her nails as she looked at the ground, and the boy was giving his friends an excited thumbs up.

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