10) Eyes Don't Lie

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The next day lunch had the darkest atmosphere yet. How could it not be when our friends were called? While I know they're capable of escaping this is different from the Spring. It's most likely real this time though I can't say for sure if anything is.

"We need to go back tonight, and I also think we need to somehow cover more ground,"Minnie spoke up. She never was good with silence.

"Are you seriously suggesting that we split up?"I asked.

"I'm not sure if you noticed, but we're running low on time. What choice do we have?"

"You have a point, but at the same time that probably makes this even more dangerous than it is. If we get caught then, well, I don't even wanna know,"Aris admitted, bouncing his knee. As always I reached for his hand at the same time as him. Holding back a small smile I went back to the conversation.

Just as Minnie was about to continue it the door opened. We all glanced at each other before looking to see who it was.

I heaved a sigh of relief when it was just a new group. For a moment I was convinced it would be Janson holding a clipboard.

I turned back around to see her intensely staring at one of them. I followed her gaze to see that she seemed fixated on an Asian boy with admittedly great hair and muscular arms. The fitted red t-shirt was not doing any favors for her attention span. Somehow, he definitely seemed like her type even if she's never had a boy to stare at.

"Oooh. Minnie's got a crush,"I teased.

"Shut up. I don't crush on anyone. I never have and never will."

"You haven't had the chance to yet,"Aris pointed out.

"Oh please. I'm not like you two being all lovey dovey all the time,"She scoffed.

"We're just friends,"We both defended.

"Friends who hold hands under the table and get all cuddly? How silly of me to think anything else,"She shrugged.

"It's platonic,"I mumbled.

"Like how you platonically live for physical touch from other people?"

"Why are you the way you are?"I groaned, hitting my head on the table.

"There there. It's all gonna be fine. Just vent to your loving boyfriend. Get it? Vent."

Aris joined me in hitting his head on the table. I still hadn't moved from my spot. Partly from embarrassment and partly because my face hadn't gone back to its normal temperature. She would have a field day if she saw even the tiniest hint of me blushing.

"Is this really the same girl who had me get her food everyday without realizing?"Aris whispered.

"Yeah. Just like you did today,"I reminded him.

"No I-oh. How does she do that?"

"Don't ask me. She does stuff, and everyone just accepts it,"I explained.

"I'm right here you dumb sticks,"She joined in.

"Yeah yeah. Believe me. We know,"I promised. Feeling that my face seemed to go back to normal I lifted my head to see her staring at the door again. As I once again looked over I saw the boy she was practically drooling over was talking to his friend.

"You've got it bad,"I remarked.

"I don't even know him. Am I not allowed to think someone's attractive?"She said quickly, pulling her attention away from him.

"Minnie's in love,"Aris added, drawing out the last word.

"Ew. Love is for people who look at each other the way you guys do,"She stated, scrunching her nose in distaste

"What do you mean?"I asked, not sure I truly wanted to know.

"You guys look at each other way too long to be just friends."

"You're just projecting because you can't stop staring at him,"I pointed out. By that I mean literally pointing at her.

"No. You're avoiding the topic,"She rebutted, pointing back. By now the serious conversation and situation we're in was out of mind. I was just happy to be having a good moment with my friends.

"Seriously though. I want no part of that stuff,"She added, taking the last sip of her water.

"Okay Minnie. Whatever you say,"Aris shrugged in a tone that said he in no way believed her. If she noticed she didn't say anything back this time. She did perk up and excitedly leaned closer to another table.

"Hey guys. Listen to this. We're popular,"She said. Not having a clue what she meant we did what she said and subtly stared at a table a few feet away. It also had the new kids.

"Those guys over there have been here the longest. Almost a week,"A boy explained.

"Do they think we can't hear or do they just not care?"I asked. Meanwhile, Minnie was completely invested in whatever they had to say. I think she was just trying to see if she could start anything.

"The guy was in a Maze full of girls,"He added.

"Really?"The boy she had been observing asked, seeming invested in this.

"Yeah. Some of us tried to kill him,"She said loud enough for them to hear. They all turned to look at her. A blonde boy had a look of absolute horror while their friend just looked like he had a dozen questions about this. Minnie's crush however, didn't seem the least bit concerned.

"He did not have fun when some girls wanted to banish him. Contrary to your belief we're an intense group. Probably more than yours,"She added. I don't know if she was trying to start an argument or prove a point. Probably both.

"You sticks wouldn't last five minutes,"She kept going. Yep. It was definitely both.

"Would too,"Her guy argued.

"Would not."

"Would so."

"Should we get involved before something actually happens?"Aris suggested.

"No. Let's just see how this plays out,"I shrugged. He nodded as we went back to watching whatever this is.

"You'd be out in the first three seconds. You probably don't even know know how to glide,"She shot back. He gave her a weird look.

"Are you sure we shouldn't get involved?"He repeated.

"Give it five more minutes. Besides, I'm pretty sure she's also trying to prove she doesn't have a crush."

"That does sound like her,"He agreed.

"Yeah? Well you wouldn't survive half a second in a Maze,"He said, thinking he did something. Well he did. It just wasn't in his favor.

"I was the Keeper,"She said with her full chest.

"So was I."

"Fine. Do you wanna stop arguing for now?"She asked.

"Sure, but this isn't over,"He somehow agreed.

"Trust me. I know,"She said firmly.

Without another word they both sat back down. I don't even know when they both stood up. That was probably the most anticlimactic argument to ever exist as they acted like nothing happened. At least, not for a while. Apparently, she's not done debating this stranger.

"What was that?"Aris questioned.

"Me showing them that talking about people when they're in earshot is stupid,"She explained.

Whatever it was it was actually kind of entertaining. I guess she'll always be ready to debate people if she thinks they're wrong. Even if they are a total stranger that she was making heart eyes at just a second earlier.

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