26) Unconscious Messages?

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As always night fell, dropping the temperature more than what should be acceptable in nature. Rubbing my hands together, I stayed by the fire before holding them to it.

“Here,”Aris whispered, taking them in his before lightly kissing my fingertips.

“How does anyone sleep in this?”I whispered, feeling myself shiver as everyone else looked almost comfortable.

“Desperation I guess. Or maybe they just don't have as much to fear when they sleep.”

“Then why aren't you asleep?”I pointed out.

“Because you're awake,”He said simply, still holding both of my hands. Feeling my face heat up, I turned to look at the fire just for him to put his hand under my jaw and turn me to face him. Moving my hair out of my eyes, he just smiled as he seemed to be taking in my features.

“Why are you looking at me like that?”I dared to ask.

“Like what?”

“Just the way you're looking at me,”I tried to explain.

“I mean this is the only time I really can look at you. I can always see your eyes and stuff but not the rest of you. Not all the parts I want to see.”

“And what parts do you want to see?”

“Every one,”He said simply.

“Oh,”I got out, only burning up more.

“I mean not like that. Just like, I just, I like knowing who you are. I like when you tell me all those little things about you. I just, I just really like-”
“Aris,”I interrupted, taking his hand and opening his palm to trace shapes on his skin. “I know what you meant,”I assured him.

“Sorry. I mean I can't deny it. You're beautiful, but I don't want you to think that's all I see when I look at you. I don't want you to think you're not someone special,”He clarified.

“We should get some sleep, shouldn't we?”I pointed out, deflecting from the compliment.

“I’m going to make you see it one day. I’m going to make you like everything about yourself.”

“Yep. You do that,”I mumbled, laying my head on his chest as he laid down.

“Don't worry. I will,”He insisted.

“Uh huh,”I mumbled, shutting him down. With a sigh, he just wrapped his arms around me before kissing my forehead.

“One day?”I muttered.

“Very soon,”He promised. Believing him about that, I just closed my eyes to get some sleep.


“She’d hate you, you know? If you told her the truth,”a man’s voice said firmly.

“I don't even know the truth,”a younger guy defended, sounding around my age. Yet it was still blurry. Their faces, their bodies, my surroundings, it was all a blur.

“You did it to her. You said no, and she had to suffer for it.”

“What are you talking about?”

“You both turned it down. You said you wouldn't do it, and now you're suffering the consequences.”

“The consequences of what?”the boy questioned, basically reading my mind.

“You didn't appreciate it. You didn't see the point. You called it being traitors, and now she's like this.”

“Like what?”

Nothing But Each Other (book 2. of Nothing But Trouble)Where stories live. Discover now