14) Separated

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The next day we were admittedly being kind of nosy as we did our best to listen in to Thomas's conversations. Minnie didn't even try to fill the silence as we awaited their answers. The answers that could change everything.

"I'm telling you something's off. Last night I met these three kids. Y/N, Minnie, and Aris,"Thomas listed.

"Who the hell are those people?"Minnie's guy asked.

Instead of a verbal response he nodded his head towards us. Just as everyone turned around we scrambled to look busy. This also seemed to be the wrong idea because Minnie turned around so fast she looked like she got whiplash. I just stared directly at the ground as Aris picked up the cornbread and just sort of gazed at it.

"That was a bad idea,"Minnie grumbled, rubbing her neck.

"Yeah. Plus, they were talking about us. This probably looked weirder than if we were caught staring,"I agreed.

"And it looked stupid,"Aris sighed, dropping his food back on his plate.

"We just need to chill out. If they agree they agree. If they don't they don't. There's nothing we can really do,"Minnie pointed out.

"Yeah. I guess we've done our part for now,"Aris nodded.

"Mhm. Yeah,"She mumbled, suddenly subtly looking at something from the side of her eye.

Or someone.

Following her line of sight, I saw that I was right. He was also glancing back at her before realizing that he'd been caught. He didn't even notice this until one of his friends, the blonde boy, appeared to quietly whistle. The guy quickly turned his attention away and mumbled something.

"Oooh. Back to staring, are we?"I teased.

"And he's looking back. They're so in love,"Aris added.

"You two are so annoying when nobody's here to keep y'all in check,"She groaned.

"Nice random country accent. You wanna go be on the field with them cattle?"I snickered.

"God, you two are idiots."

"How dare you. It is just so unlike you to be rude,"I exasperated.

"I swear I am five seconds from walking away-"
"And going to see your boy?"Aris suggested.

"Is that actually what you've been referring to him as?"

"It was a silent but mutual decision,"I shrugged.

"Well not anymore,"She huffed. Without a word she stood up and walked straight over. We looked at each other before moving as close as possible to hear the conversation

"You? What's your name?"


"Don't worry about it. What's your name?"She repeated.

"How about you just call me yours?"He suggested.

"That was actually kind of smooth,"I admitted.

"Yeah. Do you think it's enough for her to give up though?"

"Definitely not."

"How about I call you stick instead?"She shot back.

"I like mine better."

"That is the best thing I've ever seen,"I sighed, resting my hands on my chin to watch it go down.

"Well I don't like it. Tell me your name."

"No,"He shrugged, smiling at her.

"I swear I will-"
"You'll do what princess?"

"Did he really just call her what I think he did?"Aris asked in disbelief.

"I think so,"I nodded after the reality of this sunk in. She was not going to be any kind of fond of that name.

"Listen here you no good, irritating, little leech. I am not a princess. I worked my ass off so if you ever insult me like that I'll have your head on a stick,"She threatened

"Stop being a buggin' slinthead. His name is Minho,"The blonde boy spoke up.

"Thank you. Now my friends will stop being annoying,"She said, mumbling the last part.

"No we won't,"I quietly disagreed.

She came back over and slid into her seat. Her pleading look for us to give up was only met with snug grins.

"It's cute how close together your name's are,"I pointed out.

"I hate everyone and everything,"She groaned, rubbing her forehead with an irritated sigh.

"Smartest thing you've ever said,"I deadpanned.

"Is that a dig at me?"

"Seeing as it was right on the edge of being an insult, probably,"Aris shrugged.

"Can't you guys go back to being all serious and tense?"

"No. We're good,"I shrugged. She just huffed and was ready to say something else when the we hard a click and the sound of a door opening. We all looked to see the last person we wanted to. Janson was standing in front of everyone holding that stupid clipboard. It looked so normal, but it held such vile information.

"It'll be okay,"I whispered. Before he could even start bouncing his leg I interviewed our fingers. He instantly accepted as he gently squeezed my hand. I squeezed back as I ran my thumb over his knuckles.

Things in my life are the worst they've ever been, but somehow it doesn't always feel that way. Even when I'm in the same room as my capture having Aris's hand in mine almost makes everything seem okay.


During break in our room we were both completely out this time. Laying under the covers, I was still cuddled into his chest as we laid as close to each other as possible. With his hands wrapped around me and my legs sprawled over his, it was impossible to know who was who from just a few feet away. I was also more than okay with that as I finally got a dreamless sleep. Maybe it's him being closer to me than he ever has been or maybe it's because I'm absolutely exhausted. It doesn't matter. I'm here, he's here, and everything is okay.

Until it wasn't. Until I was crouched over on a different bed in a different room away from him. Apparently, we were too close and needed to be separated. It's not like we didn't try and stop it, but there was only so much two weaponless teenagers could do against full grown guards with guns.

Despite knowing I would see him in just a few hours I cried. I cried because it was over. Sleeping was going to be impossible again. Feeling safe, comforted, loved, wasn't going to happen. Now that I'm alone and forced to think about everything instead of having those peaceful moments in bed where we talk about what life could be nothing was okay.

Nothing But Each Other (book 2. of Nothing But Trouble)Where stories live. Discover now