29) Blind Trust

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"So, anyone know how to climb?"Newt trailed off.

"I skate. Not climb,"Minnie answered, looking the building up and down.

"We climbed the vents. Does that count?"Aris suggested.

"Everyone hush. I'm trying to think,"I said firmly. Squinting at the building as if that would let me see through it, I looked up at the roof that was way taller than the jump had been.

Something was off though. Not about the roof but about the wall. There was the black circular outline, like some hidden passage or blocked off wall. With everything this place has, what more could they possibly be hiding? What are they trying to keep out?

Or even better, what are they trapping inside?

"Give me the bag,"I ordered, holding out my hand. When Aris handed it to me I made sure it was completely zipped up before slipping it over my shoulders, adjusting it as tight as was comfortable.

"What are you-"
"I'll be right down. Hopefully,"I said, mumbling the last part.

"But how-"
"Don't worry about it. You all stay down here for lookout. Or to catch me."

"Catch you? Y/N-"
"Shh. I've got this. Probably,"I insisted. Finding a brick that was just enough out of place, I grabbed on while keeping my feet against the wall. Staring up to find the next one, I slightly turned my head to the left to see one that was far out enough to be doable but concerning. Taking a breath, when I searched the right it became clear I'd be taking the risky opinion.

Reaching my arm out, I felt my fingertips just barely graze the brick I needed. Resisting the curious death wish to look down, I moved my feet over before placing my hand there.

"So I just keep doing this,"I mumbled to myself. Finding my next key to success, I felt surprisingly relaxed as I had to jump a little bit.

"Are you sure-"
"It'll be fine!"I yelled, looking up to see that I was just a few feet from the window. As long as I can keep my balance, I'll be just fine. That means, if my suspicions are right, everyone else will be too.

Trying not to overthink for once, I pulled myself up another few bricks. Despite having spent so long doing nothing but moving my core was starting to hurt. This was an entirely different type of exercise, one I had almost no practice in and never wanted to do again.

No. It is not like climbing the vents. That was one of the easiest things I've ever done if you ignore the paranoia, consequences of being caught, the reasons we were doing so, and a few other things.

This, in case I haven't said it enough, just sucks.

Thomas, Teresa, and Frypan need saving though. That means I'm going to get them. Even if Thomas deciding it was smart to stay and listen is part of why they're trapped.

With that knowledge and tiny bit of irritation, I groaned as I pulled myself up to the giant, circular window. Glancing inside, I saw the blurry outline of three figures being hung by their feet over some kind of rotunda.

Well, here goes nothing.

Keeping one hand on the base of the window, I used my free one to grab the bat out of the bag. Reminding myself that this could be straightforward if I let it be, I made sure my grip was firm as I smashed the bottom of the glass. As it shattered and cut up my arms I made a mental note that Thomas owes me as I swung the weapon up to give me enough wiggle room to crawl inside.

Throwing the bag and bat on the the ground, I then pulled myself up again. Almost clawing the other side of the wall, I forced myself through the tiny pieces of broken glass that were cutting into my stomach and back, also ripping my jacket. Great. How great.

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