4) Vague Answers

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Breakfast the next day felt tense. I stayed strictly on one side of the table, and Aris stayed on the other. That travelled throughout the entire day. It wasn't any better by dinner, and our friends looked like they were starting to notice. None of this was made better from my lack of sleep. There were still too many things floating throughout my mind for me to even blink. If I were to admit something else it would be that I heard him tossing and turning throughout the night. At some point I fear I may have actually started listening for him or drift off, just to know he was getting some sleep. Each time the rustling of bedsheets showed that he wasn't I was as awake as anyone could be.

There were also so many other things I had to think about. Would Aris come around? How would my other friends react? Was this really going to help me? There was no way to get any real answers yet.

So I've decided not to tell the others for as long as I can. The last thing I needed was another bad reaction.

"Y/N, are you listening?"Minnie asked.

"I just zoned out again. What were you saying?"I responded, trying to make it seem like that was all that was going on. Technically, I had zoned out, but there was a lot more behind it.

"I was asking what you think of this place so far,"She responded in a duh tone.

"It's nice,"I said hesitantly. From across the table I could hear Aris quietly scoff but didn't say anything about it.

"Really? It's kind of boring. I want to do more than be locked up all day. Good food though."

I gave her a polite nod as I looked at my own plate. Suddenly, I was sick to my stomach. I don't know the exact reason. Just that there were too many conflicting thoughts right now, almost screaming at me.

"You know, for someone getting to sleep in a real bed for the first time you look like you've never even shut your eyes before,"She remarked.

"You always have such encouraging things to say,"I mumbled, resisting a yawn.

"Don't hate the messenger,"She said, putting her hands up in exaggerated surrender. I rolled my eyes at her dramatics but still had a small smile.

"This place could be better. They sure do have some odd deals here,"Aris commented loud enough for me to hear. Even though he didn't say it and wasn't even looking at me I knew exactly what he was talking about.

"What do you mean by that?"Sonya asked. I kept my eyes fixated on my plate.

"Nothing. I'm sure she'll tell you soon enough. Unless, she knows it's a bad idea."

"I'm sure she'd say something about it if someone wasn't being so passive aggressive,"I shot back. I didn't have to look at him either for him to know exactly who I was talking to.

"Well, I'm sure if she'd just stop to think about it for a little bit she'd see that something is clearly wrong. Maybe if she thought about how she didn't even read an entire contract-"
"Maybe if someone opened their eyes and realized that they're being paranoid life would be easier,"I interrupted. By now all our friends had turned to us, but I pretended not to notice.

"Maybe you're not paranoid enough,"He snapped, finally turning to look at me. I didn't back down this time as I looked him directly in the eyes. Both of us gave the coldest glare we could, and both of us were doing too good of a job for my liking.

"You're having mind games being played on you."

"Actually Aris, you're playing mind games on yourself."

"Really? If you think you're right tell them right here right now,"He responded, looking calmer now. Except for his eyes, full of what was definitely frustration, but there was still something behind that. I still didn't know what it was, and for some that was making me scared enough to feel nauseous. I wouldn't say anything about it though. Not if I didn't have to.

"You know what you can do? You can mind your own business."

"No. I won't mind my business. Not when it comes to someone I care about."

"Okay. Both of you cool it before you start screaming at each other. Y/N, don't twist your hair like that. You're going to pull it out. Aris, stop gripping your silverware like that. You're going to cut your hand. Plus, you both look like psychos. Calm your temper because neither of you ever act like this,"Minnie directed.

I pulled a hand out of my hair that I hadn't even realized I was pulling. From across me Aris just set down his silverware entirely.

"Now, do either of you actually plan on telling us what is going on? Because it's getting exhausting trying to figure out what's happening."

We all sat there in an uncomfortable silence. Minnie was about to say something else when everyone turned to look towards the front. I followed their gaze to see Janson, smiling wide with his arms behind his back.

"Hello everyone. We're sorry for the interruption, but we're going to have our usual call for the Safe Zone."

At his words a ripple of excitement seemed to travel around the room. I glanced at my friends to see if they had any clue what that was. They wore the same confused expression.

"For those of you who don't know the Safe Zone is where you all get to start your new lives. Everything will be alright. You're going to experience true freedom."

I know those words should be reassuring, but something about the sentence in the middle didn't seem right. Why did he feel the need to assure us that everything was going to be alright?

I'm sure I'm just reading into nothing, right? I'm just looking for something that isn't even there. Everything truly is alright.

"As always I'm going to call the names of the lucky people who have been chosen. If I call yours come up."

"If he calls mine do you think I'd be able to just run? Get another glimpse of everything outside here?"Minnie whispered. I could hear the joking tone in her voice, but I also know that she would do that if she thought she should.

"Joseph, Gabe, and Wilbert."

As he said this three boys from one side of the room stood up. What must have been their friends patted them on the back or gave them a fist bump.

It looks like a normal good-bye. It should be like any other kind when your friend leaves for a little bit. It's not forever.

So why does it still make my stomach drop like something horrible is happening?

"Our only other people are Veronica and Rachel."

We turned to look at Rachel whose face had completely paled. Whatever was happening gave us all the same feeling. Something was off.

"Rachel. Are you here?"He repeated. She slowly walked forward until she was in line with the others called. Even from here her worry was obvious. Her face was no devoid of color, and she was fiddling with her hands. Nobody else in line had even an ounce of concern.

"Don't worry. Everyone will have their time,"Janson said, holding up his hands. I hadn't even realized others had been complaining about having to wait.

Wait for what though?

"I don't like this guy. Where's he taking her?"Minnie mumbled.

"I don't know."

We kept our eyes on Janson as he looked around the room. Just a second later the people chosen were being lead out by guards. Why would you need guards for five teenagers? Especially if you're taking them somewhere that's essentially paradise.

Unless it's not. Something about how vague he is rubs me the wrong way. Actually it does far more than that. It makes me think there's something huge that he's not telling us. Whatever it is I need to know, and I have the perfect starting point.

Whatever was in that contract may be able to tell us exactly what secrets this place holds. All I have to do is find it.

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