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angus cloud.
july 31st 2023.
may your memory be remembered forever and your soul roam free man.
love you forever.
if you are going through abuse of any kind, please reach out. the main character suffers from severe abuse, so if that triggers anything, please leave now. i wont be upset.
it's purely out of awareness since these things are not talked about nearly enough.
and it also shows, there is always somebody willing to help. abuse is so damaging to not only the body, but the mind. verbal, or physical. you are not alone. everybody deserves a safe place to come home to, and a loving family to share there life with. you deserve better. my messages are always open.
"fuck you want fool." the buzz cut brunette spat bitterly, looking up at the man who sat staring at him.

"you got xaines?" he snarled his lip.
ashtray slammed them on the counter, making continuous eye contact.

"one fifty."

the man handed him the bill with an uptight face, then walked out.

his brother, fezco pooped in shortly after him. "yo friends here man," he mumbled, walking out.

ashtray placed his hands on the table to push himself up on his feet and out of the backroom.

the cool air gave him goosebumps as his eyes landed on familiar pairs.

"wassgood." he nodded his head.
"you tryna go to da park wit us? smoke break?" one of ashtrays black curly haired friend, marcus raised an eyebrow.

the brunette looked back at his brother.
"go ahead bruh." fez waved his hand, releasing smoke from his mouth.

"mhm." ashtray nodded turning back to his friends, leading them out of the gas station.

"tell him marcus." the blonde, named katie mumbled. "so uhm, yesterday while you was workin? we went to the mall nd met this girl. we all like her, we wanted to see if you'd like her." he nonchalantly shrugged his shoulders.

"hookup type shii? or friend group type shit." ashtray raised his eyebrows.
"friend group." another one of his friends spoke up, he was a light skin with curly hair. his name was dd.

ashtrays friend group consisted of five people not including him.
a blonde named colten.
and a dread head, named jay.

"aight?" ash continued to walk, watching his dunks thankfully fail to crease every step he took.

"y'all gon tell me bout her? or what?"

"no spoilers." katie shook her head as they walked on the wood chips and towards the playground.

"she's almost here though."

after a couple of minutes filled with talking shit, a black beat up car
pulled up.

the car door opened,
reveling a 5'3 latina.
she had medium length strait very dark brown hair with sweatpants and a hoodie on. the girl also didn't have much makeup on, only mascara and highlighter with maybe a hint of aquaphor.

it was only ten in the morning.
she didn't care much for getting ready that early.

"yo wassup." dd nodded his head at the girl who walked up to them, snapping a couple of people on the way.

she was greeted by the entire group
with dab ups and nods as she sat on bench that was in a weirdly odd close proximity.
it wasn't weird she sat there,
but it was an odd place for a bench.

she was literally two feet away and face to face with the play set.

"weird ass bench." she mumbled, making them chuckle a tad.
"yo uhm, dis our homie ashtray we was talking bout yesterday." marcus placed his hand on his shoulder.

ash nodded as the two shared eye contact.
"this is valerie."

she nodded back.

"y'all hungry?" katie rubbed her stomach.
everybody hummed in response, standing up.

"where we finna go?" colten furrowed his eyebrows. "ion know." ashtray shrugged his shoulders.

"y'all got any ideas?"

"mc donald's is easy?" marcus raised his eyebrows. "we just went there." jay shook his head.

"panera?" dd held up his hands. (🤷)
everybody loved the sound of that. panera was also valerie's favorite, but she didn't feel the need to vocalize that.

"this mac & cheese is fer real bouta hit bruh." val shook her head as everybody walked in the direction of town.

"they gotta have one of the best out there." marcus firmly agreed.

"nah cause..they soup is, mm. devine." jay did a chefs kiss, making the rest of the group agree with him.

"y'all trips." val shook her head.
"ain't you a lil to old for mac and cheese?"
colten furrowed his eyebrows.

"the fuck are you on about dawg." ashtray shook his head.

"mac and cheese don't got no age limit?"

"yes the fuck it does, it's like chicken tenders." the blonde argued back.
"you enjoying your stupid mac and cheese?" jay smirked from across the table as everybody had their mouths full of food.

valerie flipped him off, making the rest of the group chuckle.

ashtray could help but notice when she flipped him off, the wrist of her sweatshirt came up and revealed a purple and blue bruise.

he tried to forget about it,
she seemed like an enjoyable person to be around. and that's a lot considering ashtray isn't a people person.

"what's up ash." marcus whispered, nudging his shoulder.
ashtray looked at the girl brunette sho was peacefully eating her food she was excited about.


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