021. pt 2

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"ashtray what the fuck?" valerie pushed the boy was was flirting with that blonde britney again.

"what?" ashtray smirked. "you like her post?"

that picture wasn't even ashtray.
it was somebody else sierra was posting.
but, nobody else knew that.

she stared at the boy in pure anger and hurt in her eyes. "she's only worn that shirt once.
we were- i thought you liked me.." val shook her head.

"like you? you thought he liked you?
ash told me the whole story, it's sounds like you two were just fucking." britney laughed, making ashtray smirk.

"valerie stop." jay rushed over at the girl who grabbed thst empty beer bottle, smashing it over the blondes head.

"fuck you!" she punched the girl, shoving her bleeding body on the sand. "valerie!" ashtray yelled.

"fuck you too." val shook her head, walking back to the house to clean off her bloody knuckle.

"valerie wait!" ashtray called out, but it was to late she was already gone.
val's vision was blurry as she ran her hand under cold water. the tears fell down her cheeks thinking about what britney said.

until she heard a knock at the bathroom door. "valerie?" ashtray called out, making her head whip towards the door.

"go away," she cried.
"no, let me the fuck in ruth." the door nob twisted aggressively, valerie going to unlock the door for him before placing her hand under the sink again.

"valerie you have to be joking right now." ash angrily closed the bathroom door behind him. she didn't reply, her nose just sniffled as she continued to wash her knuckle.

"that wasn't even me in the photo! i was just doing that to piss you off!" he exclaimed.
"why though? what did i ever do to you to make you go from the one person in my life that made me genuinely happy, and i thought would never do anything to hurt me, to that." val turned around.

ashtrays eyes softened when he realized his bloodshot her eyes were from crying, but tried to remain his title.

"don't act like you don't know." ash coldly shook his head. "i don't! please tell me!"
"you don't remember christmas eve, you kissed me. and then i go and try to follow you, to give you the present i had saved up for my whole life! just to see that boy feeling you up? you weren't even denying him valerie!" ashtray yelled.

valerie's eyebrows furrows in confusion.
"what?" was all she could get out.
val was more lost then she had ever been in her entire life.

"you're fucked up. seriously." ashtray stormed out, slamming the door behind him.

valerie sat in the same position for ten minutes trying to re collect that night, staring at the necklace in her hands that never left her pocket since that night.

all that was running through her mind was what marcus said.
"oh yeah, he got you this super pretty thing with y'all's initials on it-fuck! i wasn't supposed to say that! shit!"
then the memory of ashtray walking away raced through her mind, finally putting two and two together.


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