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valerie pounded on fezcos door that was locked for some reason. "open the fuck up!" she yelled in anger.

fez jogged to the door, opening it in confusion. valerie stormed past him walking up to custer who was sat on their couch observing the scene, ashtray on the other.

"get your ass up. let's go." she demanded, shoving the back of his head.  "hey-go where?" custer asked.

"what's goin' on ma?" ash nodded his head.
"get the fuck up! im not gonna ask again!" valerie yelled, making custer stand.

everybody was in pure confusion.

"what the fuck did i do?" he asked. "why the fuck did i get called into the station being asked about mouse, dugs, and my dads murder?" val aggressively spat.

fezco and ashtray perked up immediately.
"you snitched?" the ginger asked.

"no? i don't know what the fuck she's talking about." custer lied.

"don't lie." valerie narrowed her eyes.
"go in there, and tell them you did."

"what? that's fuckin' crazy. i didn't fucking do anything." custer shook his head. "you a bitch." ashtray nodded.

"i'm not fuckin' playing wit you bruh, go in there and tell them it was you." val demanded one more time.

"no!" custer exclaimed. valerie had enough.
she pulled the glock she had stuff into her waist band out and aimed it at the man.

"i ain't asking man." valerie shook her head.
"i'd like to confess to a crime."

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