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belikevalerie: protect yo peace🤔🍃liked by coltengreen and 6,394 others

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belikevalerie: protect yo peace🤔🍃
liked by coltengreen and 6,394 others..

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"arn't you gonna be hot?" jay nudged valerie. "no, it's the movies. and it's raining dumbass." she takes a sip of her pepsi they were sharing.

"i guess." he shrugged his shoulders.
"you think they're here yet?" jay added, looking around.

val nodded her head towards the rest of the group walking towards them.
they all greeted one another, walking to the cinema room they were in.

"i want to sit next to val!" katie called out.
"im sitting next to ashtray." marcus raised his hand, making him cringe.

"..okay?" dd shook his head.
everybody eventually figured out their seats, it went:
dd, jay, colten, katie, valerie, ashtray, and marcus.

they all decided on a funny movie the day before, so here they were."i hate previews." ashtray mumbled. valerie's head whipped towards the boy. "you're sick." she snarled her lip.

"you like em'? you a nerd?" he raised his eyebrows in unimpressed disbelief.
"it the best part of coming here bruh." she whispered, obviously compassionate about her decision.

ashtray admired the girl didn't try to argue with him as a way of flirting, or to keep the conversation going.

val didn't care what he thought.
she respected his decision, even if it was just about movie previews.

for that reason,
he turned his head to the big screen trying to understand where she was coming from.
and after about ten minutes, he turned back.

"seems pretty boring me." ashtray ranted.  "i just want to watch the movie i payed for."

"thanks for that by the way dawg." valerie responded to his comment with a nod, referring to the fact ashtray bought everybody's tickets.

"yeah whatever." he playfully rolled his eyes, noticing the movie had just started.
everybody walked out of the movie practically wheezing.

"that was the funniest movie i've ever seen!" jay attempts to catch his breath.
the group agreed, making their ways to the car.

everybody seemed to be calmed by the time they got there. "yall hungry?" marcus looked around the car as he turned the key.

"i got a shit ton of work to do, could you drop me off the shop?" ashtray shook his head.

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