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"it's so fucking early." valerie rubbed her eye as everybody walked down the streets to the breakfast restaurant they were going to eat at.

"ruth it's ten." jay furrowed his eyebrows dumbfounded. "you wake up at ten, you don't go out at ten." she shook her head.

ashtray rolled his eyes, valerie's tired voice bugging him like no other.
it used to be his weakness. now he can't stand it, or her.

marcus caught a glimpse of this, judging the boys arm with furrowed eyebrows.
"what's your problem?" he mouthed.

ashtray nodded his head to the shorter girl who was walking in front of him next to jay.
"she is!" he silently spoke back.

marcus shook his head in annoyance.

"looks like we're here!" katie excitedly twirled around the place, everybody staring at her awkwardly. "what the fuck." ashtray and everybody else broke into laughter.

katie rolled her eyes.
"cmon colten, we're taking the table all to our selves." she tugged on her boyfriends arm.

"see y'all!" the blonde smiled getting dragged into the restaurant. katie was for real. she doesn't usually kid about
that stuff.

it was really annoying.

"well where do y'all wanna go then." jay shrugged his shoulders. "to bed." valerie shook her head. "i mean, there's a stand over there?" marcus pointed to a smoothie shack by a pretty beach.

"smoothies for breakfast?"  jay raised his eyebrows. "yeah." ashtray ignored all of them hungrily, walking over to the shack.

everybody ordered, everybody paid for themselves.

belikevalerie: week old photo cuz i miss @maddyperez liked by lexihoward and 6,697 others

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belikevalerie: week old photo cuz i miss @maddyperez liked by lexihoward and 6,697 others

maddyperez: u in that spidey hat is so adorable
2 hours ago

"didnt i buy you that hat?" ashtray furrowed his eyebrows looking up at valerie from the dinner restaurant table.

"what's your point?" valerie shoved spaghetti noodles in her mouth, making ashtray cringe as she laughed at his reaction.

"lemme try." jay dug his fork on her place, swirling it around. "it's good." she nodded.
ashtray grabbed valerie's cup, his drink hadn't been brought back and it's been thirty minutes.

"okay so." val laughed at everybody taking her food. "this shit is so good. i never want to leave." colten said as he had his face full of bread.

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