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"you're the worse liar ever, you know that?" ashtray stared at the girl who had her lips sawn together with a smile.

valerie shook her head, knowing she'd give in and laugh, then have to take the cards.
"im not gonna call b.s, i ain't that mean." he rolled his eyes with a smirk.

"one ace." fezco lied three cards down.
"two ones." valerie placed down her cards.
"one three." ashtray did the same.
"three fours." fezco smirked, knowing he was lying.

ashtray and valerie shared a look.
"put those back fam, i've got three." the buzz cutter brunette laughed with the girl.

"man, i quit!" fezco laughed, throwing his cards on the couch and walking away,
making them laugh even harder.

"i should probably dip anyway," valerie stood up, with a smile still pinned on her lips. "tryna give me a ride playboy?" she playfully punched the boys shoulder as he stood up with her.

"nah, im finna make you walk in the snow." ashtray sarcastically smirked,
picking up his car keys.

"thanks." val slid her shoes on, walking to the car.

when they got in, it was still pretty cold.
"damn." ashtray quickly turned on the heater. "fuck! i just shaved!" valerie groaned, ash was quick to side eye her with a weird look.

"my legs." she smacked him on the head, making him snicker.
"for who. who you tryna impress rie?" ashtray pulled out of his driveway.

"that makes you sound like you're calling me a retard." val slumped down in her seat as ashtray smiled.

"for real though."

"my hoes? who else?" she strapped her seatbelt in, making him roll his eyes.
"you sharing yo location wit them? cause i guarantee i got their ass on snap, nd they've gotten the message by now." ash ranted.

"no, i don't want them to know i live in the slums." valerie mumbled, looking out the window, making him snicker at her comment.

"the slums?" he laughed.
"yes!" she playfully raised her eyebrows with a big smile on her face.

"you're somethin' val." he chuckled, shaking his head. "finest bitch you've ever been wit?" valerie asked.

"mm.." ashtray really thought about his answer. "sierra was pretty bad." he lied, getting wide eyes out of disbelief from valerie, making him burst out with laughter as she sighed in relief.

"fuck you." she smacked him.
"im fuckin wit you ma, you know you my favorite shortie." ashtray chuckled, shaking his head.

"and why are you being so abusive today?"
he furrowed his eyebrows with a smile, making her giggle.

"you just can't keep you're hands off me huh? didn't get enough last ti-"
"forget about it," valerie interrupted him as she waved him off.

he scoffed with a laugh.
"i don't think i can forget about-"
"im going to jump out of this car." she shook her head chuckling.

"are you italian?" ashtray furrowed his eyebrows as she finished laughing.
"not really, like twenty percent?" valerie looked at the boy.

"you sound italian." he shook his head.
"really?" she questioned.
"mhm- oh shit. val, put your hood up, put these on."  he threw her some sunglasses while he looked at the three men standing on the curb with face tattoos, arm sleeves, and two tear drops bellow all of their eyes.

"yo ash." one of them spoke to the boy who nervous for the girl, pulling next to them as he rolled down his window.

"yo." ashtray coldly stared.
"we need a ride." another one snarled his lip. "is that ruth?" the other one raised his eyebrows as the girl who had her hood up and sunglasses on, but didn't have her seat down. that made ashtray groan.

"hey mars." valerie mumbled pushing up the sunglasses to rest on her head, pulling her hair back.

"you know her?" ashtray looked at the man.
"she used to sell to my brother." mars nodded.

ash's head whipped to the girl after hearing information he'd never even dared of thinking, due to her kind soul she had.

"you not in the bizz no more or what?
my brother had to get a fake id to buy from the gas station down town." mars furrows his eyebrows.

"nah man, im out." valerie looked down at her lap, obviously unwilling to share any more.

"where y'all headed?" ashtray asked the men, clearly aggravated at the whole situation. "down three blocks." they opened his car door, invading fezcos backseats completely.

ashtray and valerie ignored the men every block until they finally reached their stop.
"see ya man." the brunette buzz cutted boy nodded at the large men leaving his car.

they said their goodbyes, slamming the car door before leaving.

ashtray drove to the park, knowing it was quiet and nobody was going to ask for
a ride there.

the brunette girl whined, throwing her head into her hands. "i thought fezco told you." she groaned, making his lips slightly part.
"fezco knew, but not me?!"

"i didn't think it was that big of a deal! and it's not! you're making it into something it's not! i just sold car-" valerie was cut off by ashtray slamming his lips onto hers.

the tense kiss was shortly softened, easing onto one another effortlessly.
ashtray pulled his lips apart, their faces still centimeters apart.

"that's why."

valerie's eyes went back and forth with his, before pressing her lips on his once more,
then pulling away with a smile.

"you still mad me?"
"lil bit." he smirked, leaning back in.
they softly kissed for about five minutes, the smiles not leaving their faces the entire time.

"aight, we good now." ashtray pulled away, starting the car back up, making the girl chuckle.

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