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"shh." valerie laughed. ashtray, valerie, maddy, fezco, and lexi were all playing laser tag against some random collage frats.

ash and val were of course staying together at all times. fez and lexi were hiding togehter, and maddy was determined to get their base while ash and val shot them.

"wait, sh. i hear somebody over there." ashtray smiled, pointing across a short walk that had a home in the middle, revealing one of the dirty blonde collage boys was sneaking around.

ash pointed his laser gun through the hole as he aimed it at the boy, shooting him.
valerie held her hand out, ashtray giving her a high five as they ran off.

"bitch, help!" maddy called out.
they could tell it was a disguise to get everybody on the other team to run to their own base, where not only will maddy be no where in sight, but ashtray and valerie would be right above them, shooting every single one of them.

the plan went according to.
maddy popping out of no where as the other team frantically waited to reload, lasering their base.

"yes!" everybody yelled, fez and lexi getting out of their hiding spots as the timer went off, announcing they won the game.

"team work bitches!" maddy held out her hands for everybody to high five. "we did that." val nodded.

"we should join a like, professional team." lexi shrugged her shoulders as everybody walked out of the l.e.d lit place.

"yeah for real." fez nodded with a smile.
"arcade games?" lexi raised her eyebrows.
"yes!" maddy ran up to the front desk to get cards.

"hell the fuck no." ashtray shook his head with a laugh. "hell the fuck yeah." val nodded. "i mean, i'll get you a card. but i ain't playing." he scoffed.

"don't be lame. if you love me you'd play." valerie begged, grabbing both of his hands before running towards the counter.

"i'll have two cards please!" valerie excitedly ordered. "how much on them?" the worker asked, he looked about seventeen, and he had blonde curly hair and blue eyes, even an eyebrows slit.

valerie was to excited to even think about him, and too obsessed with her boyfriend to admire him.

"uhm, ten?" valerie looked back at ashtray in confusion. "twenty five on each." he handed the boy his card, noticing all the pretty features he had that ashtray didn't.

"here you go! and uhm, do you have snap?" the blonde boy asked, handing valerie two cards.

"no, but she has a boyfriend." ashtray grabbed val by the waist, pulling her in for a kiss, making her giggle.

"well when y'all break up, you know where to come." he winked at valerie. "no thank you." she shook her head, intertwining her hands with her boyfriend before running to the games.

"let's play the motorcycle one!" val pointed the the game. "okay," was all ashtray said, knowing the only reason he was doing this was to make her happy.

"how much credits is it?" he walked over to the girl who was already on the fake motorcycle, hoping on to the one next to her.

"like five." val kept her eyes focused on the screen as she picked the blue car. "look how cool my car is." she pointed.

"look at mine." ash nodded towards his blue and green ombré motorcycle. "oo i like that on- what does this mean?" valerie furrowed her eyebrows, pointing towards the screen.

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