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"i didn't do anything!" valerie cried as her dad repetitively hit her over the head with a metal water bottle.

"don't fuckin' lie to me bitch!" he yelled.
"stop." she sobbed. "or what? what are you going to do?!"

"somebody help me! help! please.." valerie kept on crying as she felt the pain shoot through her brain over and over again.

"fuckin' whore." her dad finally stopped, chucking the water bottle at her as he walk away.

she scrambled to her feet, grabbing her phone as her dad turned around in rage to see her hand on the door handle.

"where the fuck you think your going? huh?" he yelled. she ran out the door, running as fast as she could around the house where he wouldn't find her and pressing ashtrays contact.

"yo wassup ma?" the boy placed down the money he was counting on the counter calmly. "ashtray pick me up, please." the girl obnoxiously sobbed, her body shaking from how scared she was.

"damn it valerie, im on my way, alright? your gonna be okay! just stay on the phone!" ashtray panicked, grabbing the keys off the counter and rushing out.

"fezco something happened." ashtray spoke as he practically ran to the car. "got it." fez nodded, knowing he didn't need to hear anything else before closing the shop and throwing himself in the drivers seat as ashtray went in the passenger.

"valerie, are you still there?" ash asked frantically. all you could hear were her silent cries, and the faint voice of her yelling father outside.

"we're almost there ruth, just sit down and don't fucking move!" fezco yelled. "please hurry!" the girl screamed, looking at her father who was running towards her with a bat.

"we're here! we're here! valerie get the fuck in!" ashtray yelled through the window, the girl rushing to the car, throwing herself in the backseat as her dad followed behind her.

luckily, fezco sped away at full speed.
her father was not in good enough shape to chase after them.

valerie pulled her knees to her chest as she cried, ashtray grabbing the girl to pull her over the console and onto his lap.

she sobbed into his chest, showing no signs of stoping.

"fuck man.." fezco glanced over at the girl, noticing how much blood was on ash's shirt. "it's alright, im here val." ashtray stroked her hair.

"ash." fez whispered, nodding to his brothers chest. he looked down, his eyes widening when he realized just how hurt she really was.

"look at me."

valerie lifted her head, her glossy brown eyes spilling onto her cheeks, gashes, bruises, and blood covering her face.

ashtray let out a worried sigh, feeling more then bad for his girlfriend as she placed her head back down on his chest.

"im sorry." she mumbled as they pulled into awww the gas station. "don't apologize for yo dumbass fucking dads choices." fezco angrily shook his head as he slammed the car door, the younger teenagers stayed in the car.

he wished val could just stay with him.

"you wanna stay with my tonight?" ashtray mumbled into her neck as he gently kissed it. valerie nodded, feeling comforted by her boyfriends affection.
valerie sat on ashtray lap as she counted money, and he organized some pills on his desk.

"yo," a regular walked in. he stopped in his tracks when he saw the girl with her hood up covered in bruises and cuts.

"yo you know you ain't supposed to hit her when you fuck, right?" he laughed, pulling out a hundred dollar bill.

val furrowed her eyebrows at the weird comment.

"keep talking and your ass gon' be cleaning yo brains up off the floor." ashtray shook his head, grabbing the cash valerie had just finished counting.

"chill." the guy placed bill on the counter, ashtray handing him some oc's. "i was over." the man shook his head at ashtray not giving him any cash back.

"you disrespected my girl man, get the fuck out." ash nodded his head.
"call him a bitch." he whispered to his girlfriend with an antagonizing smile.

"bitch!" valerie laughed with ash, holding up her middle finger as he walked out.
"your so cute." ashtray chucked at the girl doing head stands at the end of his bed.
"look at me!" valerie excitedly laughed, her hands waving around as she balanced on her head.

he sat up, grabbing her stomach, picking her up and laying her down next to him.
"jerk." she tried not to smile, gently smacking his chest.

"oh yeah?" ash pulled valerie on top him, kissing her lips. "prove it."

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