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the day where it all stops.

"stop dad!" valerie screamed as her father raised his fist that held a baseball in it.
"no! you deserve this!" he grunted, throwing his fist down.
"ash open up." fezco pounded on his brothers door.

no response.

"ashtray you've been in there for four days man, talk to me." the ginger jiggled the door handle.
valerie screamed and cried in pain as he just kept swinging, showing absolutely no signs of stops what so ever.

he had no plans of it.
"ash! open the fuck up!" fezco pounded on the door again. finally, the sound of ashtray getting out of bed was heard. then the door was unlocked but not opened.

fezco creaked the door open, seeing ashtray who was sat on his bed, staring at the floor.

"you good man?" he leant against the foot way. ashtray did reply.
"HELP! FUCKING SOMEBODY HELP!" valerie screamed and cried at she felt the hard surface hit every inch of her body with full force.

she knew today was the day. she prayed another prayer every time he punched in her again.
"ash, don't you think it's a lil weird?" fezco finally got the courage to ask, making ashtray look up.

"that she got no fucking soul? yeah man. i think its fucking weird." he snapped, causing fez to jump at his sudden words.

he hadn't spoke in four days give or take.
"you deserve this." her dad kept pounding, starting to scare valerie's step mom enough to bring tears to her eyes.
"her dad brought her there that day bruh." fezco furrowed his eyebrows. ashtray sat in thought, thinking back to that moment.

"she kept looking at her pocket when she did it. and when i mentioned her moving in, she- she shushed me." ashtray connected eyes with the ginger.

"what?" fez asked in confusion. "she held her finger up to her lips, and shook her head." he explained.

they both thought for a moment.

"when she came in on friday, this man was watching her. like the whole time man. it was like she knew who he was, but she didn't." fezco thought out loud.
"STOP YOU'RE GOIKG TO KILL HER!" valerie's step mom screamed in horror.

"she deserves this." the man let valerie drop to the floor, not strong enough to hold herself up anymore.

her father walked to the kitchen cabinet, grabbing a hidden rifle that stayed there untouched for years.

her step mom screaming and crying as valerie's eyes went completely wide.

she shook her head slowly, backup up on the floor as he loaded it.

"valerie, you were always a pain in my ass. you know that?" her father smiled, aiming the weapon directly at the girl who was frozen on the ground.

"w-why are you doing this pa.." was all valerie could get out, staring dead into the eye of the rifle.

he quickly raised the rifle, hitting her over the head with force.

"don't talk!" he yelled. "you're crazy!" her step mom sobbed, him quickly aiming the gun strait at the women in return.

she went silent. so did valerie.
the man laughed. "you wanna know what's crazy?" he asked, rolling his head.

"me. so stop playin' bitch."

there stood ashtray, leant against the doorway to the front door, making everybody's head turn.

her father couldn't tell who that boy was due to the bruising and cuts all over his face, even though he didn't look all that different.

valerie felt her lips curve into a small smile, that was the only thing she could do right now because of her busted up lip.

"who the fuck are you?" her dad scoffed. ashtray smirked. "you don't wanna know." he lightly chuckled, dropping his shaking head.

"tell me, or i blow that pretty face right off you." her dad smiled, aiming the rifle strait at him.

"woah there playboy." fezco put a glock to the man's head from behind. he came through the back door.

ashtray turned his head to valerie's step mom. "go somewhere." he nodded, knowing she wouldn't want to see what happened next.

the women scrambled to her feet, taking the the only car they had and driving as far as possible away.

ash then looked down at the girl who was barely conscious on the floor, watching the scene.

"come here rie." he held his hand out for the girl to grab. she instantly took his offer as he pulled her to her feet and embraced her in a hug.

ashtray held her head into his neck while a gun shot went off. "let's grab your stuff ma." he took her by the hand, them running up stairs to pack while fezco had to deal with the body.

she had one big suit case full of all of her clothes and money, and one backpack with her charger, makeup, and skin care.

"im sorry you had to go through that." ashtray spoke, carrying both of the bags as they walked down the stairs.

"im sorry i broke up with you. he made me." valerie spoke, gripping onto the railing for support.

"it's okay."

"will you be my.." valerie started before seeing the pool of blood on the floor. every memory of all the times she was beaten, raped, cursed at by him raced through her mind at that very moment.

"will you be my boyfriend again?" she forced the words out of her mouth, walking away from the scene.

"yeah." ashtray sighed in relief.
"i'll be your boyfriend again."

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