015. pt 1.

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rue say in her bed, not knowing who to hang out with.

when finally, one person popped in her mind she hasn't talk to since they sold carts to her when fezco wouldn't.

valerie ruth.

she jumped out of her window due to the fact she was grounded, and hopped on her bike.

today was new year's eve.
fezco was going to take her to the party later. rue had heard about val getting close with fezco and ashtray because fezco would tell her all about it.

so she thought it was perfect.

rue picked up her phone as she started biking, calling val.

"yo wassgood." the fifteen year old asked from the other line. "you wanna..hang out or something? catch up? i don't know." rue awkwardly asked.

"yeah sure."
"great, im on my way."
"rue, dis federal that we haven't hung out before." the high teen blew smoke from her mouth.

"yeah, sorry about that." the curly headed girl looked down at her feet.
"wachu sorry for, the line goes both ways. i coulda asked too." val shrugged her shoulders.

rue looked up at the girl, never really thinking about it that way.

"um hey, fezcos taking me to the party tonight. want to come with or something?"
she scratched the back of her neck.

"sure." val passed rue the joint. she wasn't too excited anymore. being high makes her speak what's really on her mind, and being around ashtray..well. she had a lot on her mind.

"we should get ready at my house."
rue agreed, them changing their direction on their bikes to valerie's house.

rue wore her usual, but added some glittery makeup to the bottom of her eyes to add effect.

valerie wore low waisted baggy jeans with a white thong strap showing, and a white bikini top to match, with gold waist chains, necklaces, rings, earrings, you name it she had it.

she didn't come to play on new years.
"you're late." mouse spoke.
"we got caught up dealin' with some bullshit." fezco muttered.

"i heard you took care of some of my buddy's down town. and got raided."
"..they ain't find nothin' though."

"they ain't got shit on me."

who am i..

"i hope not. cause it'd be a shame if somebody did you like that you like you
did dug."

togehter that pass me by, uhh..

ashtray grabbed the hammer that sat on his desk, walking up the stairs quietly.

who am i?

he creeped past the opening to the living room, mouse nearly catching him in the act.

who am i..
a fool with an alibi.
i should've payed more attention, woah.

down the hall,

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