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"valerie what the fuck were doing that you were gone all night?! and come back with bruises i didn't give you all over?" her father screamed.

"i was at rues house!" val pleaded with the man. "liar!" he yelled, slapping the girl as hard as he could.

valerie fell to the floor by force , gripping her cheek in pain.

"you were at that boys house!" he grabbed a screw driver that sat on the kitchen table and raised it up at the girl who sat on the floor in fear.

"no pa, please." she sobbed. "i told you to stop seeing him!" her father yelled. "i don't want to!" valerie cried, using her feet to scoot backward as he walked towards her.

"valerie ruth, listen to me. and listen good." the man lower his tone, the girls back smacking the wall as he squat down in front of her.

she nodded her head, tears streaming down her cheeks in fear.

"you're going to go to the gas station. you're going to break up with that boy. and you'll never talk to him again." he explained nodding his head.

the girl broke out into hard sobs, screaming shaking her head. "please!" she begged.

"and you're going to call me while you do the whole thing so i know you aren't bluffing when you come back home."

valerie shook her head.
her father raised the screw driver again, making her cover her head instantly.

"valerie this isn't a choice."

the brunette shook her head again. willing to take the risk.

"listen. im not gonna hurt you. so stop flinching. but i will hurt them. i'll tie you up to a chair, bring that boy out, and blow his brains out right in front of you. you got it?"

valerie's eyes widened at the threat.

"i'll even drive you there." her dad smirked, standing up and walking away.

valerie cried and cried. she couldn't even text ashtray before she came, her father smashed her phone when she got home.

"let's go." he walked past her as he open the front door with the car keys in his hand, making her cry even more before
getting up.

the ride there was silent, due to valerie who was forced to quit crying and put her hood up to disguise the puffy eyes.

when the pulled up, her father gave valerie her step moms phone so they can call.

the brunette walked in, seeing fezco smoking a blunt on top of the counter. "yo, kid." he greeted with a smile.

she walked past him, trying to avoid drawing any of her dads attention to fezco as she walked in the freezer.

ashtray was cover in bruises and scabs on his face, looking up at his girlfriend excitedly surprised at her unannounced appearance.

valerie's stomach twisted, seeing how happy he was to see her.

"ashtray we have to break up." she basically threw up those words, knowing her dad was going to do something bad if she didn't.

his face instantly dropped. her eyes darted down to her phone that was in her pocket, listening to everything.

"are you kidding?" was all ashtray managed to get out.

"are you fucking joking."

val shook her head, biting her lip to stop herself from crying. "im sorry ashtray." she muttered.

"valerie, you said you wanted to-" ash started, being interrupted by valerie's finger that quickly went to her lips, shushing the boy.

val slowly shook her head, her breathing shaky. ash re directed where he was going in confusion.

"are for real? like is this serious rie?" ashtray asked in betrayal.

valerie nodded her head, tears forming in her eyes. "im sorry." she whispered. ash just stared at her in pure horror and disgust.

"i have to go." valerie shook her head, immediately leaving the back. when she passed fezco who watched the whole scene go down he let his head follow to what was bringing her back home.

he recognized her fathers car, making his eyebrows furrow.

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