020. pt 1

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"cmon valerie wake up, todays the bonfire!"
katie shook her friend awake.

the last three days was complete war.
ashtray and valerie were seducing any person they could, to piss one another off.

like, i'm talking-any person. six people a day type shit. not hookups, that was usually one. but they'd make out in front of each other, making the vacation hell for the
each other.

they would just get more losses off by the day, and now it's been four.
so you can imagine how much they want revenge on one another.

valerie put on a flattering brown colored gucci swimsuits that had gold chains tying them together, top and bottom.
it was stunning.

ashtray made sure his eyebrow slit was freshly cut, his face was shaved, and his swimsuit bottoms were minimalistic so nobody would think he was a sissy.

everybody walked in excited silence, maybe except valerie and ashtray to the beach they were at tuesday night, seeing about thirty kids laughing and drinking.

"oh im getting lit today." jay nodded with a laugh, the group running towards the drink coolers.

everybody parted their ways laughing and dancing, ashtray already flirting with some girl, and valerie already giving two guys that asked for her snap.

"yo val, we're all playing beach volleyball. you tryna join?" colten asked the girl.
"oou for sure. later." she waved the boys off, running towards the net.

katie, jay, valerie, and a couple others were on one team. ashtray colten, marcus, and dd on another with again, a couple others.

and if valerie was seeing correctly, britney from tuseday was on the other team.

everybody was laughing, not keeping score of the points. they did this for at least an hour and a half.

ashtray and britney all buddy'd up, despite her having a boyfriend.

"we totally won that." colten bragged, nudging jay. "me and ash carried!" britney exclaimed laughing.

val rolled her eyes knowing all that girl did was fall in her face and ashtray helped
her up.

"you kinda sucked." ash smiled at the blonde girl. genuinely smiled. fuck did that piss of valerie.

real damn bad.

jay noticed the girl who jaw was clenched and fists were balled up, and furrowed his eyebrows.

"bro chill." he whispered so only she could hear, slightly nudging her.
valerie was starting to loose track of her breath, walking slower then everybody else.

nobody really noticed because valerie wasn't talking much, so they all kinda assumed her and jay were going off to get another drink.

"dude what's up with you?" jay softly pushed the girl after the went behind a corner. "i can't stand her, i hate her." she ranted, hyper ventilating.

jay pulled her into his chest to calm her down. now, jay treated valerie right. always.
but not in a relationship way. in a brother way.

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