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Korriban, 968BBY

The winds howled around the desolate landscape of Korriban as Zannah and Cognus faced off, their crimson lightsabers gleaming in the dim light. The air crackled with tension, both master and apprentice locked in a silent standoff, their eyes fixed upon one another. Time seemed to stand still as they awaited the other to make the first move.

As the tension reached its breaking point, Cognus was the first to break the standoff, launching herself forward with a furious strike of her crimson blade. The sizzle of energy filled the air as her attack was met with the resolute defence of Zannah's double-bladed lightsaber. The clash of red against red sent sparks flying.

With a cunning smirk, Zannah taunted Cognus, her voice dripping with derision. "Was that the best you could do? A feeble attempt to strike me down? You underestimated my power." As she spoke, Zannah expertly manoeuvred her agile form, gracefully evading Cognus' aggressive strikes. The air around them grew heavy with the scent of sulphur as Zannah tapped into her Sith alchemy, summoning twisted abominations from the depths of her malevolent mind.

"Let's see if your resolve can withstand the horrors I can unleash!" she hissed, her voice laced with wicked delight.

Engulfed in a frantic battle, Cognus shifted her focus to defend against the grotesque creations that lurched and snarled in her direction. She swiftly parried their attacks, her crimson blade leaving trails of light in the air as she deflected their strikes with precision. With each swing and block, Cognus became increasingly immersed in the defensive techniques of Djem so, using her lightsaber as a shield against the onslaught. The crackling bolts of Zannah's force lightning intensified the chaos, forcing Cognus to split her attention between the monstrous creatures and the lethal arcs of energy that crackled towards her.

She pushed herself to the limit, her movements becoming more calculated and precise. Cognus, fuelled by her determination, sliced through the twisted abominations with swift and calculated strikes. As she cleaved her way closer to Zannah, she tapped into the Force, hurling a nearby boulder towards her opponent. Zannah's acrobatic agility saved her from a direct hit, but the distraction allowed Cognus to rapidly close the distance between them.

Their lightsabers clashed once more, their faces mere inches apart, seething with intensity. Zannah, smirking, taunted, "Did you truly believe you could best me, Cognus? Your desperation only fuels my amusement."

Cognus, her voice filled with defiance, retorted, "I have surpassed you, Zannah. The power I possessed is far greater than you could comprehend. Your time as my master is over!"

Locked in a battle of wills and skill, their blades crackled, and sparks flew as they exerted their strength against each other. Their eyes met, reflecting the burning animosity that had begun to grow between them.

Relying on her strength, Cognus attempted to trip Zannah with a swift and calculated kick. However, Zannah's agility proved to be a formidable match as she skilfully wrapped her legs around Cognus, bringing them both crashing down to the ground. In their entangled struggle, they fought desperately to avoid the lethal blades of their own weapons, their faces contorted with an unyielding desire to overcome the other.

In a swift move, Zannah unclipped one end of her double-bladed lightsaber, aiming to swing the detached end at Cognus. With lightning reflexes, Cognus leaned back, narrowly avoiding a fatal strike that would have ended the battle. The tip of Zannah's blade came within an inch of colliding with Cognus' nose. Seizing the opportunity, Cognus swiftly reached out with her free hand, grabbing hold of Zannah's wrist, preventing her from swinging the second blade again.

With a smug remark, Cognus commented on the apparent stalemate between them. However, Zannah's grin widened as she released her grip on Cognus and swiftly channelled the Force into her legs, propelling her apprentice backwards and creating enough distance to get back on her feet. Yet, there was not enough time for Zannah to reclip her two lightsabers into her double-bladed weapon before Cognus launched another attack.

Her apprentice's movements became more primal and powerful, an animalistic ferocity emanated from her as she tapped into the dark side, flooding her veins and muscles with the Force to enhance her strength. She pushed Zannah back.

Desperation lined Zannah's face as she desperately blocked Cognus' relentless onslaught. However, despite her efforts, her apprentice's overwhelming power and determination proved too much to withstand. With a swift and precise strike, Cognus' lightsaber found its mark, severing Zannah's hand at the joint. The agonizing pain surged through Zannah's body as her hand, still clutching her lightsaber, tumbled to the sandy ground, leaving behind nothing but a cauterized stump. The loss of her hand caused a momentary falter in Zannah's defence, her face contorted in shock and disbelief at the turn of events.

In a surge of rage and fury, Zannah channelled every ounce of her strength into one final, desperate strike. With a voice filled with anger and vengeance, she vowed to make Cognus pay for disfiguring her. The clash of their lightsabers filled the air, the sparks ignited the tension between them. Yet, as their blades locked, Cognus managed to ride alongside Zannah's blade, cutting through the hilt of her lightsaber. With a swift and precise movement, Cognus' crimson blade found its mark, making contact with Zannah's exposed neck. The Sith Lord crumpled to the ground, defeated and gasping for breath, her final attack thwarted by her apprentice's cunning and skill.

Cognus gazed down at the defeated form of her former master, triumph filling her eyes. The heavy silence hung in the air, broken only by the sound of Zannah's laboured breathing. With a determined stride, Cognus moved towards the fallen Sith Lord, her crimson lightsaber still humming in her hand. She bent down, collecting the two parts of Zannah's lightsaber as a grim trophy, symbolising her victory and the end of her servitude.

As she stood tall, a sense of liberation washed over her. She took a deep breath and savoured the taste of her newfound freedom. The weight of her former master's presence no longer hung upon her shoulders. With a firm resolve, she addressed Zannah's now lifeless form, her voice laced with a mixture of satisfaction and finality.

"And so, it was done," Cognus spoke softly, her words carried by the winds of Korriban. "Farewell, my former master. Your reign ends here."

With a final glance at Zannah's fallen form, Cognus turned away, her path ahead uncertain but filled with potential. She strode purposefully back to her ship, ready to forge her own destiny and continue the rule of two created by Darth Bane.

The legacy of Cognus,the one who surpassed her master, had just begun.

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