Chapter 7

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1 Week Later...

Millennial sat alone in his chambers quietly meditating, still trying to master his force shadow ability. Though he was still having difficulty creating an almost identical copy of himself. His latest attempt was still incomplete, with small imperfections that made it obvious to those who would see the imitation that it was a fake.

As he continued to train, he couldn't shake off the feeling that something was not right. His thoughts slowly turning to Cognus. He knew that his master was powerful and skilled, but the longer she was away, the more he feared for her safety.

He reasoned with himself however that she was still alive as he hadn't sensed her passing through the force. Though he knew something had to have happened as his master should have arrived back on Haruun Kal by now. Cognus was a lot of things but she was never late for anything. If she said she'd be somewhere at some time, she would make it so.

Millennial was broken out of his concentration by the sound of knocking on his bedroom chamber. Opening the door to he was greeted by the sight of the manor protocol droid which informed him that he had an invitation from both the Queen and Princess to visit them at the Haruun Kal royal palace.

He was surprised by the invitation, but he knew that he couldn't refuse. He quickly got ready and made his way to the palace. As he walked through the city streets, he couldn't help but think about his master and where she could be. Was she in danger? Was she okay? He knew that he had to stay strong for her and continue to improve his skills as a Sith.

When he arrived at the palace, he was greeted by Queen Adira and Princess Hanan. They thanked him for his help and invited him to join them for a meal. Millennial was hesitant at first, but he knew that it was important to maintain good relations with the leaders of Haruun Kal. So, he accepted their invitation and sat down to enjoy the meal.

"Welcome, Millennial, it is good to see you again" Adira greeted as he was seated at the banquet table. "I trust you have been well since our last meeting".

Millennial bowed his head in respect. "I have been well, Your Majesty. I assume the invitation to dine with you tonight is not just for pleasantries?"

Adira nodded as she took a sip of her wine. "Indeed, it is not. I have a problem that I believe you may be able to assist me with".

Millennial listens intently as Adira explains her concerns about her brother's whereabouts and potential plans to overthrow her. He nods understandingly as she speaks, taking in all the information she provides.

"I understand your concerns, Your Highness. I can assure you that I will do everything in my power to help you locate your brother and put a stop to any plans he may have to overthrow you," Millennial says, his voice steady and reassuring. "Of course, that is under the impression that our previous arrangement is still in place".

"Of course, it is" Adira replied, seemingly offended by the idea that she would go back on her word. Her expression relaxing slightly, she continued. "I am glad to hear that, Millennial. My brother is cunning and ruthless, I fear he will stop at nothing to seize the throne," she says, her voice tinged with worry.

Millennial nods, his mind turning to the ways he could possibly track down Melech and put a stop to his plans. "I assure you, Your Highness. I will find your brother and deal with him accordingly. In the meantime, I suggest increasing security around the palace and preparing for any potential attacks," he says, his tone firm and decisive.

Adira nods, a look of determination crossing her face. "I will do as you suggest, Lord Millennial. Thank you for your help in this matter," she says, her voice filled with gratitude.

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