Chapter 24

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Cognus and Terentous sat across from Kael and Zax in the tearoom of the manor, the air heavy with tension. The manor's protocol droid glided gracefully into the room, setting down a tray of steaming Naboo Nectar tea and a plate of delicate biscuits before them, following Cognus' specific instructions.

As Cognus and Terentous observed Kael and Zax, they couldn't help but notice that both men had put on a bit of weight since their last encounter. Their once lean and agile frames had softened, their appearances now adorned with the tell-tale signs of contentment.

Terentous' gaze shifted towards Sieana Voddher, a member of the Shi'ido species who had been highly recommended by Kael and Zax. It was a rare sight to witness a Shi'ido without a disguise, as their species was renowned for their shape-shifting abilities. Sieana's true form, with her humanoid appearance, caught Terentous off guard. Her pale skin seemed almost translucent under the soft light of the tearoom, contrasting with the darkness of her deep-set eyes. Her wide mouth curved into a polite smile as she sipped her tea, revealing sharp yet elegant teeth.

Cognus cleared her throat, setting down her cup of nectar with a deliberate yet controlled motion. The room fell silent as all eyes turned to her, waiting for the purpose of their gathering to be revealed. With a composed demeanour, she began to address the bounty hunters.

"My trusted allies," Cognus began, her voice carrying a hint of authority. "I have called upon you today to discuss a matter of utmost importance. My puppet king, Dallin, has become increasingly bold in his actions. He dares to raise the taxation on business owners, including myself, testing the boundaries of his power. Such insolence cannot go unpunished."

She paused for a moment, allowing her words to sink in before continuing. "However, there is more to this story. This morning, I received information that Dallin plans to make an announcement regarding Haruun Kal joining the republic. The details of this announcement remain vague, but I assure you, it is not in my best interests."

Cognus' expression turned slightly grim, her eyes glinting with a mix of determination and caution. She knew the implications of Haruun Kal aligning with the republic could have far-reaching consequences, potentially posing a threat to her and the Sith's grand plan.

As Cognus finished explaining the situation, Sieana couldn't help but let out a soft chuckle, finding amusement in the intricacies of Sith politics.

The shapeshifter's eyes glimmered with a mixture of fascination and mirth as she spoke up, her voice carrying a hint of amusement. "Ah, the intricacies of power games. How fascinating it is to witness the interplay of ambition and manipulation. It seems we find ourselves in the midst of drama, and I must say, it provides quite the entertainment."

On the other hand, Kael wore a more serious expression. He leaned back in his chair, his gaze meeting Cognus' as he spoke, his tone measured and deliberate. "While I understand the importance of your cause, Cognus, I must prioritise the safety and well-being of my... interests. I cannot afford to put myself in unnecessary danger at this time."

Zax, ever perceptive, noticed the subtle hint of concern in Kael's expression and offered a small nod in sympathy.

In a low, steady voice, Zax added his agreement to Kael's statement. "I share Kael's sentiment, Cognus. We have commitments that demand our attention and caution. While we are willing to offer our expertise and support, we must prioritise the safety of those ventures."

Terentous couldn't help but steal a quick glance at his master seated beside him. The weight of her gaze was ever present, and he pondered how she would handle the subtle defiance from Kael and Zax. Cognus, known for her unforgiving nature and quick temper, had come to rely on their expertise and connections, making them invaluable assets to her schemes.

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