Chapter 12

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Cognus walked through the city of Oran Mas on Haruun Kal, her eyes scanning the busy streets for any sign of danger. The air was thick with the scent of spices and the sounds of merchants hawking their wares. Crowds of people bustled around her, haggling over prices and exchanging goods. In the distance, she could see the towering spires of the city's ancient temples, a testament to the rich cultural history of Haruun Kal.

She made her way deeper into the city, towards a less reputable part of town. This was where Set Harth had instructed her to meet one of his men. She was cautious, knowing that the Sith Lord was not to be trusted. Despite this, she had agreed to meet with him, intrigued by what he had to offer.

As she approached the designated location, she could feel her senses heightened, her hand hovering near the hilt of her lightsaber. The street was quiet, almost deserted, and she couldn't shake the feeling that she was being watched. She reached the door of the rundown building and pushed it open, stepping inside to find a figure waiting for her in the dimly lit room.

"Cognus," the figure said, his voice low and menacing. "Set Harth sends his greetings."

She stood her ground, her hand still resting near her lightsaber. "What does he want?" she asked, her voice cold and unyielding.

The figure smiled, revealing a set of razor-sharp teeth. "He wants to offer you a proposition," he said, his eyes glinting in the half-light. "One that you won't want to refuse".

She stepped into the dimly lit room, the musty scent of old wood and mold filling her nostrils. The devaronian motioned for her to take a seat on the old, torn couch to her left, and she did so, settling in for what was sure to be an interesting conversation.

The devaronian turned to face her, his yellow eyes studying her carefully. "Lady Cognus, I have word from my boss," he began. "Two Jedi have made their presence known in the city".

Cognus feigned surprise. "Jedi? Here on Haruun Kal?"

The devaronian nodded. "Yes, and my boss has reason to believe they may be a threat to our operations. Have you had any contact with them?"

Cognus leaned back on the couch, a smile creeping across her face. "I have indeed," she said finally. "I've already spoken to them".

The devaronian seemed taken aback by her answer. "You have? And what did you discuss?"

Cognus sat back on the couch, her eyes scanning the room as she spoke, "The two Jedi, they were investigating what appeared to be a rogue Jedi who had taken out some bounty hunters. Nothing too remarkable, but I had to make sure it wouldn't interfere with our operations. But I've taken care of it".

The devaronian's brow furrowed as he listened to her words, "Is that all, Lady?"

Cognus nodded, "Yes, that's all. I believe this matter has been resolved".

The devaronian leaned forward, his eyes locking onto hers, "Set Harth doesn't take kindly to loose ends, Lady. Are you sure there's nothing else you need to tell me?"

Cognus remained calm, her gaze steady, "I'm sure. There's no reason to worry. This matter is resolved and I see no reason to bring it to Set Harth's attention any further".

The man's arrogance was beginning to wear on her nerves, the more he talked, the more she felt she might strike him down with force lighting.

When he revealed that the rogue jedi was none other than Millennial, Cognus' blood boiled. She could feel the anger rising inside of her, but she did her best to keep it under control. The last thing she needed was for this man to see her as anything other than calm and collected.

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