Chapter 22

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As Terentous stepped into the grand chamber, his gaze fell upon the scene unfolding before him. Cognus, his master and ruler of Haruun Kal, sat regally, her expression firm and resolute. Across from her sat Queen Adira, her face etched with frustration and uncertainty.

The air crackled with tension as the two engaged in a passionate exchange, their voices laced with conviction and conflicting desires. Adira's speaking in place of her advisors advocated for involving the Republic in matters of the planet, while Cognus argued for the preservation of the Sith's dominion.

The weight of uncertainty hung in the room as Adira began to question whether aligning herself with the Republic could offer her more than her allegiance to Cognus. Terentous stood silently by Cognus' side, his towering presence a testament to his unwavering loyalty and readiness to protect his master's interests.

Cognus leaned forward, her voice dripping with a mixture of authority and menace. "Queen Adira, do not mistake my leniency for weakness. If you refuse to remain loyal to me and our cause, I will have no choice but to dispose of you. Haruun Kal belongs to the Sith, and I will not tolerate any insubordination."

Adira chuckled, her tone laced with defiance. "Dispose of me, you say? I find it amusing that you believe you hold all the power, Cognus. But let me remind you, power can be fleeting, and alliances can shift. Perhaps it is time for me to consider a new path—one that aligns with the Republic. Your threats hold no sway over me."

Terentous couldn't help but be surprised by Adira's audacity. His gaze flickered between the two women, sensing the tension in the air. He remained silent, his mind contemplating the potential consequences of this clash between his master and the rebellious queen.

Cognus' face contorted with rage, her hand instinctively rising, ready to unleash her dark power upon Adira. But her fury faltered as she noticed the bodyguards, their blasters aimed squarely at her and Terentous. The Sith Lord's eyes narrowed, realizing the situation she now found herself in.

Adira smirked triumphantly, her hand resting on her neck, a lingering reminder of their past encounter. "Ah, Cognus, it seems you won't be using your little Force trick on me like last time. I've come prepared, as you can see. Now, I suggest you lower your hand and reconsider your next move."

Cognus' anger was palpable, her grip on the Force tightening. Reluctantly, she slowly lowered her hand, a dark fire burning in her eyes as she locked gazes with Adira. The standoff between the two powerful women held the room in a tense silence, the weight of their rivalry and the precariousness of their alliance hanging in the air.

Cognus allowed a sly smile to curl upon her lips, relishing the opportunity to challenge Adira's resolve. "Dear Adira, do remind me of the predicament you find yourself in. With your precious heiress Hanan gone, the throne would fall to your brother's son... Dallin, was it?" She feigned a moment of contemplation, her voice laced with a hint of mockery. "Oh, how easily we forget the names of those who stand in our way. It must be quite distressing for you, my dear queen, to realize that your grip on power is slipping away, just like the sand through your fingers."

Adira's voice dripped with suspicion as she questioned Cognus, "How do you know of my nephew? I have never spoken of him to you or anyone else."

Cognus leaned back in her seat, her expression one of smug satisfaction. "Ah, my dear queen, you underestimate the reach of the Sith. We have our ways of gathering information, even the most guarded secrets. It seems your family ties are not as concealed as you might believe."

Adira's eyes narrowed, a mix of anger and apprehension crossing her features. "Are you implying that you have eyes and ears within my inner circle? That you have been spying on me?"

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