Chapter 14

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Cognus arrived home to the manor feeling elated. Her meeting with Queen Adira had gone smoothly, and the queen had provided her with valuable information about Prince Melech's whereabouts on Selonia. She was impressed by Adira's strategic prowess and was certain that with the queen's help, they could capture the prince and secure her ally's rule of Haruun Kal.

As she walked through the halls of the manor, she thought about the next steps in their plan. They needed to move quickly and capture the prince before he had a chance to flee the planet. She knew that the capture would not be easy, but with Adira's support, she felt confident that they could succeed.

As she approached her private chambers, she noticed a sense of unease in the air. The room felt different, as if something had been disturbed. She drew her lightsaber and slowly pushed the door open, ready for anything.

To her surprise, she found Millennial and Hanan waiting for her. Millennial had his lightsaber ignited and Hanan was standing behind him, her own lightsaber in hand.

"What is the meaning of this?" Cognus demanded, her voice cold and commanding.

"We have come to end this, Cognus," Millennial replied, his voice filled with determination.

Cognus looked at him with a mixture of anger and disbelief. She had trained him herself, and he was her apprentice. How could he betray her like this?

"What are you talking about, Millennial? Explain yourself," Cognus demanded, her lightsaber still raised and ready to strike.

Millennial took a deep breath and looked Cognus straight in the eye. "We have come to end your reign, Cognus. We have come to take control of the Sith and lead them down a new path, one that sees the Sith no longer hiding in fear of the jedi".

Cognus couldn't believe what she was hearing. Her own apprentice had turned against her, and he had brought Hanan with him who she realised must have been his own secret apprentice. She felt a surge of anger and betrayal, but she quickly regained her composure.

"You foolish children," she sneered. "You think you can take me down? You are nothing compared to me. I am the heir to the Sith's legacy. You are nothing but traitors and fools".

Millennial and Hanan both ignited their lightsabers, ready for the fight to come. Cognus knew that this was not going to end well, but she was not going to go down without a fight. She raised her lightsaber and prepared to face her former apprentice and his ally.

Without any hesitation, the three of them rushed towards each other, their lightsabers clashing in a flurry of sparks and energy.

Cognus, with her mastery of Djem So, used her lightsaber to deflect the attacks of Hanan and Millennial, and then launched powerful counter-attacks. Millennial, with his Juyo and Ataru techniques, danced around Cognus, attacking from multiple angles and using his agility to dodge her strikes. Hanan, with her Makashi style, relied on precision and finesse to outmanoeuvre her opponent.

The fight was intense, with all three of them displaying their unique fighting styles. The room was filled with the sound of clashing lightsabers, grunts, and heavy breathing as they pushed each other to their limits.

As the fight continued, it became clear that none of them was going to come out as a clear winner. They were all too evenly matched, and their fighting styles complemented each other in a way that prevented any one of them from gaining the upper hand.

Cognus managed to land a solid strike against Millennial, her lightsaber cutting through his defences and grazing his arm. But to her surprise, Millennial suddenly vanished into thin air, leaving behind nothing more than a faint afterimage. It was then that she realized he had employed his Force Shadow ability to create an apparition of himself, which had taken the brunt of her attack. Cognus gritted her teeth, frustrated that she had fallen for such a simple trick.

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