Chapter 11

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1 Week Later...

Millennial stood in the dimmed training room, his eyes closed as he focused on his breathing. He was practicing his Force Shadow ability, an ability he had been perfecting for weeks now. It was a risky move, keeping such a powerful tool from his master, Darth Cognus. But Millennial knew that in order to truly prove himself as the future leader of the Sith Order, he needed to be at the top of his game.

As he concentrated, he could feel the Force flowing through him, filling him with power. He slowly opened his eyes and was met with the sight of his shadow, elongated and distorted in the dim light. But this time, it was different. The shadow was perfect, an exact replica of himself. He had finally done it. Millennial couldn't help but feel a rush of excitement at his accomplishment. With a smile, he turned off the lights and watched as the shadow disappeared into the darkness, ready to be summoned again at a moment's notice.

Millennial stood in the practice room, breathing. He was proud of himself for finally mastering the Force Shadow ability, but he also knew that he had to be careful. He couldn't let Cognus find out about his new powers, not yet anyway.

He looked around the room, taking in the empty training dummy and the weapon rack, before making his way back to his chambers. As he walked, he couldn't help but think about his master's recent behaviour. It seemed to him that she was forming attachments, something she had always warned him against. But when he had brought it up, she had been quick to remind him that it was better to attend the funerals as a false show of sympathy if it meant that Zax and Kael remained loyal to her in the future.

Millennial shook his head as he entered his chambers. He knew that his master was a cunning and manipulative woman, but he couldn't help but feel like her actions were becoming more and more unpredictable. He had to be careful and stay one step ahead of her. The future of the Sith Order was at stake, and he wasn't going to let anyone, not even his own master, stand in his way.

Millennial sat on the edge of his bed, surrounded by the dark shadows of his room. He had been eagerly reaching for Jada's holocron, eager to delve deeper into the former Jedi's fall to the dark side. But before he could continue his studies, a call on his holocommunicator interrupted his solitude. Millennial answered, and on the other end of the line was Adira.

"Have you learned anything about my brother's whereabouts?" her voice was tight with tension, revealing the urgency of the situation. "My throne is at stake, Millennial. Time is running out."

He sighed. He had been so focused on his own personal goals that he had almost forgotten about Adira's request for his help. "No, I'm afraid I haven't had much luck in tracking him down."

"You have to find him," Adira pressed. "I need your help".

Millennial sighed as he ended the call with Adira and set his holocommunicator down on his bedside table. He leaned back against the headboard, his mind racing with the weight of the responsibility he now bore. He was torn between his supposed loyalty to Cognus and his desire to help Adira find her brother and secure her throne, if only to keep Hanan as his own apprentice.

He knew that if he could find any information that would lead to the whereabouts of Adira's brother, it would be a valuable bargaining chip for his future.

He sighed again and closed his eyes, taking a deep breath in an attempt to calm himself. He needed to focus on the task at hand and gather information without arousing suspicion. With that in mind, he got up from his bed and made his way to the library.

He pulled out a text from amongst the other books, the cover blending in perfectly with the rest and entered the security code on the bookcase, and with a soft click, it swung open to reveal a hidden underground passageway.

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