Chapter 17

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A few weeks later...

Cognus sat at her desk in her private study, overlooking the tranquil garden below. She watched her latest apprentice, Darth Terentous, as he trained with a group of droids, slashing and parrying with his lightclub. A small smile tugged at the corner of her lips as she observed the fluidity and strength in his movements. She knew that she had made the right choice in selecting him as her new apprentice.

She thought back to her previous attempt at training, with the ill-fated Darth Millennial. She had underestimated the power of his own ambition and it had ultimately led to his downfall. But with Terentous, she saw a different kind of strength - a willingness to serve and a true understanding of the Sith ways.

Cognus leaned back in her chair, allowing herself a moment of satisfaction. She had done a fine job of shaping Terentous into a powerful Sith Lord, perhaps even more powerful than Millennial had ever dared to dream of. The thought made her feel a sense of pride and accomplishment.

As she watched him continue his training, she considered what the future held for them. She knew that Terentous was destined for greatness, and she could not wait to see what he would accomplish under her guidance.

Cognus had been deeply engrossed in her studies when she heard the familiar sound of a holocall coming through her comlink. With a deep sigh, she made her way over to her desk, bracing herself for whatever was to come.

As she activated the holoprojector, the familiar visage of Set Harth appeared before her, smirking in his usual way. Cognus scowled at him, wondering what the notorious gambler and scoundrel could want from her this time.

Set wasted no time in making a few jabs at Cognus' expense, remarking on how she seemed to be getting old before finally getting to the point. "I'm calling in a favour, my dear Cognus," he said with a sly grin. "And I know that you'll be happy to oblige me."

Cognus narrowed her eyes suspiciously, her mind racing as she tried to anticipate what Set might be after. She had learned the hard way that he was not to be trusted, but she also knew that she couldn't afford to make an enemy of him either.

"What kind of favour?" she asked warily, her voice cold and clipped.

Set merely chuckled in response, his expression unreadable. "Oh, nothing too difficult, I assure you. Just a small task that I need some help with. Something that I know you're uniquely suited for."

Cognus felt a surge of irritation at Set's cryptic response, but she knew better than to push him too hard. For now, she would play along and see where this led. "Very well," she said with a resigned sigh. "I'll hear you out. But don't expect me to do anything that goes against my own interests."

Set's grin widened, and Cognus knew that she had just committed herself to something that could very well end up being far more dangerous than she had anticipated.

Cognus narrowed her eyes. "And if I refuse?"

Set Harth's grin faded. "Then I would have had no choice but to inform the Jedi about your activities here. I was sure they would have been very interested to know the Sith haven't kicked the bucket."

Cognus had swallowed hard, weighing her options. She knew she couldn't risk the Jedi discovering her operation, but she was also wary of Set Harth's true motives. "Fine," she had said finally. "What do you need us to do?"

Set Harth's grin had returned. "Excellent. I knew you would come around. I'll send you the details now. It's a fairly straightforward mission."

Cognus scrolled through the information on her datapad, her annoyance growing with each passing moment. She knew that Set Harth was not one to do her a favour without expecting something in return, but she had hoped for something more substantial than this.

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