Chapter 5

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He knew that as a Sith apprentice, it was not his place to question his master's motives. But he couldn't shake the feeling that something was amiss. He knew that his master was a powerful Sith Lord, but he also knew that she was not invincible.

He pushed the thoughts to the back of his mind and focused on his training. He knew that he needed to continue to hone his skills and master the ways of the dark side if he was to one day become a powerful Sith Lord like his master.

Taking a deep breath, Darth Millennial began to recite the Sith code, letting its words wash over him as he sat in a meditative position.

"Peace is a lie, there is only passion. Through passion, I gain strength. Through strength, I gain power. Through power, I gain victory. Through victory, my chains are broken. The Force shall free me."

As he recited the code, he felt a sense of calm wash over him. The words of the code reminded him of his purpose and the path he had chosen to follow.

He knew that as a Sith, his path was not an easy one, but he was willing to do whatever it takes to gain power and achieve victory. He knew that his master would expect nothing less from him.

With his master absent, he decided that now would be a good time to train his Force shadow ability. It was a technique he had yet to inform his master about as he was still subpar in it compared to his other skills.

He knew that this ability, which allowed him to create a physical manifestation of himself using the force, could be a valuable tool in battle. He had been practicing this technique in secret, honing his skills and learning to control the power of the force to create a duplicate of himself.

He began his training by meditating, clearing his mind and focusing on the force. As he reached a state of calm, he visualized himself creating a duplicate of himself using the force.

He opened his eyes and began to channel the force through his body, and soon a duplicate of himself stood before him. The duplicate was not as solid as the real Millennial, but it was a good start.

His concentration in his force shadow ability was broken however, by the house protocol droid who informed him that there was a message of the utmost importance from Queen Adira. The message requested the presence of Cognus at her royal palace immediately.

Millennial knew that this must be a matter of great importance and he couldn't ignore it. He informed the droid that he would attend in his master's absence and to inform her majesty of the change.

He quickly made his way out of the estate, his mind racing with thoughts of what the queen could want with his master. He knew that his master had many connections and alliances, and he couldn't help but wonder what this meeting could be about.

As Millennial made his way through the jungle, he couldn't help but keep his guard up. He knew that the jungle was full of dangerous creatures and he had to be ready for anything.

As he walked, the occasional fever wasp, known for their venomous sting, got too close for comfort. But the young boy was quick to react, easily striking them down with his lightsaber. He was skilled with the weapon, and his training had made him a formidable opponent.

He continued on his journey, cutting through the thick foliage with ease and making his way closer to civilisation.


When he finally arrived at the Haruun Kal royal palace, Darth Millennial was escorted inside by two armed guards. He was directed to a rather spacious room with a few local delicacies laid out before him. Sitting opposite on the other side of the banquet was Queen Adira. She greeted him warmly and beckoned for him to take a seat.

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