Chapter 27

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As Cognus' ship descended into the orbit of Ambria, memories of her decision to leave Terentous behind and entrust him to serve under Dallin's command flooded her mind. It had been a calculated move, a way to ensure that her apprentice continued to grow and develop his skills while she pursued her own agenda.

Cognus peered out of the viewport, her eyes scanning the fast-approaching ground of Ambria. The vast landscape stretched out before her, with its desolate plains and rugged terrain. She knew that the plantation she sought would be well hidden, concealed within the natural features of the planet. The information Dallin had received had been forwarded to her datapad, and she had diligently studied every detail, committing the layout to memory.

As the ship descended lower, Cognus spotted a distinctive formation of rock formations in the distance. It matched the description she had received, indicating the location of Set Harth's plantation. With a smirk playing on her lips, she activated her ship's scanners, fine-tuning them to detect any signs of life or activity within the designated area. The sensors hummed to life, analysing the surrounding environment for any anomalies that would reveal the presence of the elusive Set Harth.

As the scan progressed, Cognus' anticipation grew. She knew that confronting Set Harth would be a dangerous endeavour, but it was a confrontation she relished. The memory of their previous encounters fuelled her determination, and she was determined to put an end to their ongoing rivalry once and for all. The scanners finally picked up a faint energy signature emanating from the designated location, confirming that she was on the right track.

Cognus carefully piloted her ship to a discreet landing spot on the outskirts of the plantation. She knew that subtlety was crucial if she wanted to catch Set Harth off guard. As the ship touched down, she took a deep breath, gathering her focus and suppressing any remnants of her Sith identity. She was determined to blend in and conceal her true intentions.

Stepping out of the ship, Cognus donned a simple, conservative outfit, choosing earth-toned garments that allowed her to blend into the environment. She draped a light cloth over her head, concealing her distinctive Iktotchi features, ensuring that her appearance would not draw unnecessary attention. With each movement, she aimed to appear as inconspicuous as possible, avoiding any unnecessary eye contact or interactions.

Cognus made her way towards the plantation, keeping her pace measured and her gaze focused. She observed her surroundings, taking note of the workers and guards patrolling the area. She mimicked their demeanour, trying to blend seamlessly into the background. It was a somewhat delicate line between observation and adaptation, as she carefully maneuverer through the plantation.

Cognus' eyes narrowed as she caught sight of an opulent manor house perched on a hill, overlooking the less fortunate settlements below. The grandeur of the estate contrasted starkly with the surrounding poverty, leaving no doubt in her mind that this must be the residence of Set Harth. She smirked, realizing that true to his nature, he would never deign to dwell among the common folk or settle for anything less than extravagance.

The manor's architecture boasted ornate designs and sprawling gardens, a stark contrast to the dilapidated structures and barren landscape she had passed through.

As she observed the manor from a distance, Cognus noted the presence of armed guards, she could barely make out, patrolling its grounds, a clear indication of Set Harth's concern for his safety. The heightened security further solidified her belief that this was the right place.

Cognus approached a vendor's stall, where a middle-aged woman busily arranged her wares. She glanced at Cognus with curiosity, sensing that this stranger was not a regular visitor to the area. Cognus, adopting a friendly demeanour, initiated a conversation.

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