Chapter 23

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Terentous entered Cognus' study, feeling the weight of her displeasure hanging in the air. The Sith Lord's voice carried a cold edge, her anger unmistakable. It was an invitation that held an undercurrent of warning, a summons that left no room for delay or defiance. As he approached her, his heart quickened with a mix of anticipation and trepidation, unsure of what had ignited her wrath.

Cognus' voice dripped with frustration as she spoke, her eyes gleaming with a mix of anger and disappointment. She explained how Dallin, the new puppet on their string, was proving to be more troublesome than anticipated. The Sith Lord expressed her dissatisfaction with Dallin's decision to increase taxation on business owners, including herself, as if mocking her authority and power.

Terentous listened attentively, his mind processing her words. In the depths of his thoughts, a flicker of doubt surfaced. He couldn't help but question whether Cognus' quick temper and ruthless methods had contributed to this predicament. He knew that Adira, stubborn as she was, had at least considered Cognus' threats and advice before taking such harsh actions. Perhaps, if Cognus had been more patient and tactful, she wouldn't find herself facing such defiance from her puppet ruler.

The thought lingered in Terentous' mind, though he knew better than to voice his concerns. Cognus' anger was a formidable force, and questioning her methods would only ignite her fury further. He kept his silence, understanding that it was his duty to serve her and find a solution to this predicament, even if it meant stepping into the path of her wrath.

Cognus' voice seethed with indignation as she declared, "Who does Dallin think he is? He is only King because I made him so. He dares to defy me, to undermine my authority? I will not tolerate such insolence."

In the midst of her anger, Cognus' power surged, causing her cup of caf to explode into shards. The hot liquid spilled onto her desk, staining the papers beneath, but she paid no mind to the mess. Her focus remained on her plans for retribution.

She turned her intense gaze towards Terentous, her eyes burning with fury. "He will pay for his disrespect, Terentous. I will make him regret crossing me. No one defies the power of the Sith and gets away with it. He will learn the consequences of not treating me with the respect and fear I deserve."

He nodded solemnly, though a part of him couldn't help but feel a tinge of apprehension. He knew that when Cognus was consumed by her anger, she became a force to be reckoned with, unpredictable and ruthless.

Cognus let out a weary sigh, her anger subsiding for a moment as she admitted, "I know you must be wondering, Terentous. The wealth left behind by Darth Bane and my master, Zannah, is substantial, but maintaining our status as Sith Lords and running a manor as well as various businesses is no cheap task."

She leaned back in her chair, her gaze distant as she continued, "If Dallin continues to squeeze business owners like us with excessive taxation, our available funds will undoubtedly take a hit. We need those resources to further our cause, to ensure our dominance. The Sith must not be hindered by the whims of an insolent king."

Terentous furrowed his brow, his curiosity piqued. "What do you intend to do, Master? How do you plan to rectify this situation?"

A wicked smile tugged at the corners of Cognus' lips. "Oh, my apprentice, I have a few tricks up my sleeve. Dallin will soon realize the cost of defying the Sith. Let's just say I have some... connections that will ensure he bends to our will. His reign will be tainted by fear and submission, just as it should be."

Terentous' ears perked up at the mention of Cognus' connections. He knew exactly who she was referring to - Kael and Zax. Despite attachment being loathed by his master and the Sith tradition discouraging such bonds, Terentous couldn't help but sense a certain fondness in Cognus' voice when she spoke of them.

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