Chapter 2

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Two Months Later

It hadn't been long since Cognus and Millennial settled into the manor, and it wasn't long before Cognus continued Millennial's training. She pushed him hard, knowing that he had great potential and that he needed to be ready for the challenges ahead.

They spent a few hours each day sparring in the training room, Cognus teaching Millennial the art of lightsaber combat. She was a skilled warrior, and she pushed him to his limits, pushing him to be faster, stronger and more precise.

As they sparred, Cognus' lightsaber flashed and whirled, striking at Millennial from all angles. Millennial fought back with skill and determination, but Cognus was always one step ahead.

Finally, Cognus disarmed Millennial, and as he lay on the ground, his lightsaber out of reach, she stared down at him, her lightsaber pointed at his chest.

"Remember, Millennial," she said, her voice cold. "If this were a real fight, I wouldn't spare you. Always be ready for the unexpected".

Millennial nodded; his breathing heavy. "I understand, master," he said, getting back on his feet.

Cognus nodded, satisfied. "Good. Now, again".

And with that, they resumed their sparring, Cognus continuing to push Millennial to be the best he could be, always reminding him of the danger and the stakes at play.

It was as Cognus noticed that it was noon, that she stops the sparring. She looked at Millennial, who was sweating and panting from the intense session. "It's time for a break," she said, deactivating her lightsaber.

Millennial nodded, grateful for the respite. He deactivated his own lightsaber and followed Cognus out of the training room.

As they walked, Cognus turned to Millennial. "I have a meeting with some investors in my office. While I'm in the meeting, I want you to continue to practice your lightsaber form in Juyo. That is the weaker of the two forms you are proficient at and we need to work on it."

Millennial nodded, "I understand, master. I will practice as you instruct".

Cognus nodded, satisfied. "Good, I expect you to make progress while I'm away. Remember, our survival and success depend on your mastery of the force and your combat skills".

Millennial nodded, "I won't let you down, master".

He knew that by our, she wasn't just talking about their survival, but instead the survival of the entire Sith order and he was determined to see the rule of two continue under his leadership one day.

With that, Cognus left for her meeting, leaving Millennial to continue his training. Millennial knew that his master's expectations were high and he was determined to meet them, so he immediately began practicing his lightsaber form in Juyo, knowing that this was key to his success as a Sith.

Cognus entered her office, a large and well-appointed room with a desk, a few chairs and a hologram projector. She sat down at the desk and activated the projector, connecting to Set Harth's communication network. After a moment, a hologram of Set Harth appeared in front of her.

"Lady Cognus," Set Harth said with a smirk, "I wasn't expecting to hear from you so soon. To what do I owe the pleasure?"

Cognus didn't waste time with pleasantries, "I have a proposal for you, Lord Harth. I propose that we start a lumber mill business on this planet".

Set Harth raised an eyebrow, "A lumber mill? Interesting. And what do you propose to use for raw materials?"

Cognus leaned forward, "There are vast forests on this planet that are currently untapped. We can use those resources to create high-quality lumber for export. It will be a profitable venture for both of us".

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