Chapter 16

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Korriban, 947BBY – Sixteen Years Later

Cognus stepped off the shuttle onto the barren, lifeless surface of Korriban, her Gamorrean apprentice trailing behind her.

Now in her sixties, bore the unmistakable marks of age etched deep into her once-vibrant Iktochi features. Her skin was pallid and deeply wrinkled, as if her body was slowly being consumed by time itself. Her once-sharp horns and ridges had lost much of their definition, their once-sharp edges now dulled and worn down by years of physical and mental toil. Despite these physical ravages, however, there was still an undeniable aura of power that radiated from her. Her piercing yellow eyes still glittered with an intensity that belied her age, and her presence in the Force remained as formidable as ever, seeming to mask the otherwise withered appearance of the Dark Lady of the Sith.

"This is your test, if you desire a name of your own," she said, turning to face him. "Here on this planet, the Sith Order was born. You will prove yourself to me by surviving the trials that await you".

The Gamorrean nodded, his eyes locked onto his master's. He had always dreamed of having a name, of being something more than just a tool for Cognus to wield. He had trained hard, learning to harness the Force and hone his combat skills, in hopes that one day he would earn the right to a name of his own.

Cognus smirked, a cruel glint in her eyes as she addressed her apprentice once more. "But be warned, my dear Hoggy," she said, using the derogatory nickname she had given him. "Korriban is a harsh mistress. She will test you in ways you cannot imagine. If you are not strong enough, she will break you."

The Gamorrean nodded again, steeling himself for the challenges to come. He knew that this was his chance to prove himself to his master and earn what he desired, a name.

Cognus stood before her Gamorrean apprentice, staring at him intently. "Deep within the tomb of Darth Phobos, you will come into contact with the Terentatek," she said, her voice low and menacing. "This will be your test. If you pass, you will earn a name of your own. If you fail, you will be nothing more than a worthless swine, fit only for the slaughter."

The young Gamorrean nodded, his eyes wide with both fear and excitement. He had been training for this moment for years, honing his skills and preparing himself for the challenges that lay ahead.

Cognus couldn't help but think back to her previous failure with Millennial. She had trained him, moulded him into the perfect apprentice, only to have him turn against her in the end. She couldn't bear the thought of another failure, and secretly hoped that this swine of an apprentice would prove to be different, that her training would benefit him, and that he would remain her obedient servant.

The Gamorrean apprentice, now alone in the tomb, was on guard as he made his way through the winding corridors, knowing that danger lurked around every corner. As he reached the inner sanctum, he was suddenly ambushed by the skeletal corpses of Darth Phobos' followers, coming to life as if possessed by some unseen force. The Gamorrean quickly drew his lightclub, swinging it with expert precision, but he was outnumbered and quickly overwhelmed.

As the skeletal corpses closed in on him, the Gamorrean could feel a strange presence in the Force, something he had never encountered before. It was as if someone was manipulating the dead bodies, using them to attack him. Despite his fear, he fought on, trying to stay alive as he was slashed and clawed at from all sides.

As he finally emerged victorious, panting and sweating from the intense battle, the Gamorrean was left feeling confused and uncertain. He had never heard of a Force ability like this, and he wondered what other secrets lay hidden within the ancient tombs of the Sith.

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