Chapter 36

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Namjoon entered his room, where Eleon was waiting for him. His throat was feeling tight as he had a fear that she had called him because of what he had gone through her things.

Shit, the pillow must have been on the inside, ultimately.

He thought as he now stood face to face with Eleon and she didn't hesitate to inform him of the reason why she had called him.

"Someone has come over to my side and touched my belongings. Bearing in mind that I share this room with you, I'm going to proceed to hold you primarily responsible."

"Oh look, it's not what you think, really, it's just that I dropped something on your side and I went to get it and got tangled up in the carpet and fell on your bed. It was an accident, really." Namjoon tried to be convincing with the lie he told her, as by now he had revealed to her a couple of times the amount of clumsiness he possessed so his lie could be to a point pretty believable.

"By mistake? And as you fell on my bed you happened to knock over my pillow, leave fingerprints on my bedside shelves and move my lamp by three inches?" She told him and now Namjoon froze, not having imagined that she would observe the place so well and to such perfection.

Who the hell notices and realizes that an object is three inches off?

He complained to himself as Eleon took his silence as a sign of guilt.

"I don't know what your reason was for taking such actions but I trust you understand that breaking into my personal space is not something I will accept or let go unpunished. I will accept to consider the incident a mere accident and keep it between us, as long as you accept your punishment and of course, promise that you will never again act in such a disrespectful manner." Eleon explained his position at that moment as she looked at him with her expressionless gaze that made Namjoon angry.

She once again had managed to be one step ahead and was getting her pleasure from watching him suffer. Honestly, this woman's sadism had no boundaries in his eyes and it made him utterly furious.

"It was really an accident, I want to make that clear. Whether you believe it or not is not my problem. I have no reason to accept any punishment for something that wasn't intentional on my part." He told her, now looking at her with a serious look, wanting to indicate that he wasn't going to back down.

"The situation sounds problematic. Since our opinions don't seem to agree. Fine then, if I can't punish you because I can't prove your intent, we should at least call it even."

"Sounds fair, but what do you mean by that exactly? "Namjoon replied, having a bad feeling about where this was going.

"You entered my private space and touched objects that are very personal to a person like my bed. I think it's only fair if I do the same. " Eleon explained her thoughts which ended up getting followed by a Namjoon that was now fully panicking.

"But-but. What are you talking about? It's not the same! "

"It's exactly the same. That's why tonight I'm going to lie in your bed, use your computer, and look through your desk files, just like someone most likely did to mine." She said her final word and went undisturbed walked over to his side and laid down on his bed, knowing full well from the information she had on each boy that Namjoon did not like the invasion of his personal space and he especially was very selective over who he would allow to lie on his bed or touch his computer, which as she knew, he held as sacred objects.

"But-But. You can't do that! They're my personal items!" Namjoon yelled a little, his voice turning high as he bounced in place a couple of times out of habit when he complained.

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