Chapter 33 - Event Selection Exam

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1793 words,this time short chapter sorry for this. I am slightly busy :(

March 8th.

Within Class C, Chabashira would soon be announcing the final special exam of the year.

There were thirty-nine desks in the classroom.

There had been forty just a few days ago, but that had been taken for granted and now, one of them was gone.

This was because Yamauchi Haruki had been expelled.

Chabashira: Without any further ado, I will now announce the final special exam.

Chabashira began explaining the details of the first year's final special exam. Just as I had predicted, nobody was willing to say anything about Yamauchi. Ike and Sudo, his closest friends, were probably trying their best to come to terms with reality.

Chabashira: We will be finishing off the year with one final special exam where you'll be asked to show off a culmination of everything that you've learned up until now, including knowledge, physical ability, cooperation, and maybe even a little bit of luck. In short, all of you will need to demonstrate the full extent of your potential.

Normally, Chabashira would've been flooded with a tidal wave of questions and complaints from Ike's general direction.

However, Ike was just listening to her quietly.

Most likely, he was wary of the fact that he may very well be next in line for expulsion.

Chabashira: The special exam is called the 'Event Selection Exam', an exam where each class will compete in terms of their comprehensive ability. The class you'll be competing against will be decided in accordance with the rules, similar to how it was during the Paper Shuffle exam.

Chabashira: To start things off, I'll use these cards to make the explanation easier for all of you to understand. There are ten white cards and a certain number of yellow ones, modeled after the number of students in the class.

As she spoke, Chabashira attached each of the blank cards onto the blackboard and lined them up.

Each card was roughly the same size as a playing card. While the ten white cards had nothing written on them, each of the yellow cards seemed to have a student's name written on them. Altogether, forty-eight cards had been attached to the blackboard.

Chabashira: To start things out, I'll explain the purpose of these ten white cards. The lot of you'll have to talk things out with one another and decide on ten events that you'd like to do, which you will write down on these cards.

Chabashira took a chalk and began to write on the blackboard.

Chabashira: This is the school's schedule for the exam. keep it in mind. will be divided into 3 stages

Special Exam

March 8th The special exam is announced, and the class matchups are finalized.

March 15th Event selection is finalized, and the opposing class's ten events are revealed along with their rules.

March 22nd. The Event Selection Exam begins.

Ike: B-But sensei, wouldn't it take way too long for us to compete over twenty events?

Chabashira: On the day of the exam, each class will narrow down their ten events to their top five choices and submit those. In other words, there will be ten events, not twenty.

Chabashira: In case some of the rules may be difficult for you to understand verbally, the school has asked us to provide you with the details in a brochure. You may reproduce this copy among yourselves. You can find the answers to your questions here

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