Year 2 Chapter 3 - Cook

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My sister approached us with a kind smile

Horikita: I didn't know you had a sister...

Sara: Yup, I am his sister. My name is Kazuki Sara,nice to meet you everyone

Horikita took out her phone, most likely she was going to look at the OAA application.

Me: You've grown up...

I smiled and stroked her head

Horikita: Academic A+ (97) ,huh? That's pretty high

Sara: Thank you, Senpai...well, what's your name?

Horikita: Horikita Suzune,2-D class leader. This is Sudo Ken next to me, and Ayanokoji Kiyotaka is on the other side

Sara: It's a pleasure to meet you guys.

Horikita: Do you want to be a partner with Sudo?

I'm a little surprised at Horikita's offer,but it makes sense. Sudo needs a partner who is academically good.

My sister looked up and down, straining Sudo. I guess she didn't find him reliable

Sara: Nii-san is this man trustworthy?

She ask suspiciously

Me: Don't worry, he's a very reliable person. We will be glad if you help.

Sudo: Y-Yes, please be a partner with me. My academic level is E+...its quite low i know...

Sara looked at him with a smirk

Sara: All right, I'll help you because of Nii-san

Horikita was relieved,after all, finding a partner for someone like Sudo must have been a difficult task. I don't have much time right now, but I need to talk to my sister later.

Me: Ugh..Sara lets exchange numbers

Sara: All right!

We exchanged numbers

Me: There are so many questions I want to ask you right now... But I shoul save it for later. Go and meet the other upperclassmen.

I also smiled gently in the same way

Sara: Okay Nii-san, see you later

Sara left us and went to the other upper classes. I think it's important for her to connect with someone like Ichinose,I can't keep her from connecting by keeping her here. If she make good connections this will be useful for other exam's as well

Horikita: Since we have found a partner for Sudo, let's go and find a partner for ourselves. Let's take a look at the other freshmen

When we passed front of class 1-C we heard voice

Ryuuen: Ku ku. You got here pretty late, Suzune.

The owner of that voice was none other than Ryuuen Kakeru, from Class 2-C, staring at us fearlessly.

With that much time, it was possible that he had already successfully scouted a number of students. We would be able to check whether each student had settled on a partner at eight o’clock the next morning.

Ryuuen: Relax. Still haven’t settled on anybody yet.

Not that the other three oeople with me today would believe him so easily, though.

Ryuuen: You look like you don’t believe me

Sneered Ryuuen

Horikita: Well, I’m taking everything you say with a grain of salt, at the very least

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