Chapter 1: the beginning

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⚠️Warning: blood, violence and dark matter in this story. And there will be smg34 in this story so, if you dislike smg34 or a gay relationship. I recommend you leave and don't read this, if some of you stays. Be prepared for this 

(It there are any mistakes, let me know. This is my first time)

Smg3 and smg4 are hanging out together. A gentle breeze went by as the birds sings in the background while they walk onto this nice soft dirt surface. Feeling confident that this date would go smoothly. Smg3 look over at smg4, he's seem happy and calm. That's what hes is going for, making him happy as possible and would try to make him forget that incident at the peaches castle.

 "This is nice isn't it? Just us, together?" Smg4 said with a slight smile. Smg3 blushed and chuckled quietly while he rub his head. "Yeah, you can say that. It is pretty nice" then smg3 gently grab his hand and hold tightly, looking at him lovingly. Smg4 blushed as he look back at him. Their eyes lock onto each other, starring for a moment before they slowly get closer. Their face inches away. 

Both blushed and closing their eyes but suddenly smg3 grunts in pain as he fell onto his knees and hold his chest tightly

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Both blushed and closing their eyes but suddenly smg3 grunts in pain as he fell onto his knees and hold his chest tightly. Smg4 panicked as he hold him tightly. "Smg3!? Are you okay!? Please answer me!" In a panic tone, smg3 just went down as his back ache. He screamed in pain while his skin turning pale, his hair grown longer and his body slowly growing. 

Smg4 is freaking out as he pull his phone out and dialling 911. Smg3 hold the ground and grunting even more. Pointed ears and fangs grew long while a single flower grew into his right eye. Smg4 starting to look down at smg3 in a terrifying manner, he dropped his phone while he was in a call. Smg3 stops as I breathe heavy, whining as he sat there. Smg4 slowly approaching him, hand out and breathe carefully. "Smg3..? Are you okay..? What happened to you-" smg3 immediately look up and stare into smg4's eyes. 

Smg3 stood up and gotten taller

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Smg3 stood up and gotten taller. Smg4 started to freak out but he had to stay calm and keeping eye contact with him. "Smg3..? It's me... can you hear me..? I know it's you.." smg4 trying to bring him back, saying so softly and calm but so sudden smg3 rise his hand and then he strikes at smg4's eye. He collapsed to the ground and screamed in pain as he hold his bloody eye. The scream bring back smg3 mind to reality.

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