Chapter 4: together

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Smg3 just sat there on the bed, thinking what he should do to past some boring time. The clouds slowly driven in the blue sky, into a dull like scene in the olden days. Smg3 just looked around and wondered, what to do. He sat there and feeling completely lost. He sigh and lay back onto the wall. He looked down to his wrist, reminded what he just did. "Do I really need to do that..? It hurts so bad and it's very frustrating!" Then he just rub his wrist and growls. He got up and walked to the fridge, to see what he could eat, he opened it and the fridge is sort of empty. Only it has some sauce and some empty water bottle. "Smg4.. you really need to buy more food for yourself" said to himself while he closed the door and went back to bed. 

As he sat back down, he looked at the now dried up paper on the walls. That's where he scratched. Did he do it on purpose or something else did it? The question won't be answered since he's alone in the RV. He just exhale deeply and sat there. "Should I just go outside? Wha- no I can't! Don't be a Dumbass 3! You're stuck in this weird form..." then he just plopped his face into the bed. Grumble and muffled words that cannot describe on this point. Then his ears perk up and heard some footsteps, he immediately got up but he tripped, then went to the windows and peek. He noticed it was smg4, his hands were full of bags of groceries.

 He noticed it was smg4, his hands were full of bags of groceries

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Smg3 swung open the door so fast that it scared smg4. "AH- oh.. hey smg3" he said with a nervous smile. "Where have you been!? I mean I know where you went but why did you take so goddamn long!? I'm so bored here!" He said with a energetic smile. "I need to buy some groceries! I'm guessing you looked in my fridge.. have you?" Smg4 said with a chuckle. "Yeah I did.. it's a good thing you got some now.. so.. what did you buy? I'm hungry" he let him in and help him put the food away. "You can see them as we put them away. You can have some if you are that hungry" said with a small laugh. Smg3 help him and look through the food, he found some Mochi, the cold Japans sweets. 

His eyes widen from excitement and looked at smg4. "How did you find this!? I always wanted to try this!" Said with a bright eyes. Smg4 scoffs and look at him, "I found them in the new shop in the mall. I do remember you always like to try some Japanese sweets so.. I got some for you." Then he just wink at him and smg3 blushed. "Thanks! How do I repay you?" He said with a soft tone. "Oh no! It's a gift! You don't have to get me anything" smg4 said and continued on. Smg3 smiles wide and went up to him then kiss him on the cheek. He got surprised by the kiss so he just ended up falling down to the ground. Smg3 laughed and help him up. "I didn't meant to do that, I should've said something" then he just kiss his forehead. Smg4 just blushed.

Smg4 noticed a bandages on smg3's wrists

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Smg4 noticed a bandages on smg3's wrists. "Smg3.. what happened to your wrists?" Says with a worry tone. Smg3 immediately pull his hand away and covered it. He laughs nervously and rub his head. "I-it's nothing really! I.. I scratched to hard with these damn long as claws.. that's all" says with a nervous smile. Smg4 can tell he is lying, he know him way to well so he went up and gave him a tight hug. It surprises smg3, he hugged back and wondered. "Smg3.. it's okay, I'm here for you. If you want to talk about it. I'll be here no matter what." He said with comforting voice. Smg3 sigh deeply and pull back and sat on the bed.

"Oh boy.. where do I even start..?" As he said with a sigh. Smg4 sat beside him and place his hand on his shoulder. Smg3 paused for a moment, trying to thick  way not to sound like it was a lie. All that experience he had was confused and unable to understand how it happened. As soon he was about to speak, a sudden voice appeared in his mind and spoke so quietly, it surprised smg3. "Oh dear.. tellimg your one and only partner about that whole situation! It must be a bust to tell him since you do not know what would happen.. of course you don't know! My little special smg3.. go on.. tell him and he may believe you." Then the voice cackled and faded away in his mind. 

Smg3 just sigh and shook it off

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Smg3 just sigh and shook it off. "Smg4.. um. I know you may not believe this but.. it wasn't me." Smg4 eyes widen and look at smg3 with a worry look. "What? Who does it and why!? Who hurt you?" Smg3 look at smg4 and pointed himself.. "it.. it's hard to explain but.. okay you might get mad.." he got up and went up to the wall and pile the paper off the walls. Smg4 gasped and looked at it and see a huge scratch. "Smg3.. why do you do this? Im not mad.. I just need to know." As he touch the scratch marks. Smg3 rub his arm's nervously as he looked away. "It's not.. really me. I took a nap and I had nightmares and it scares me so much I realize my body was.. not in my control. I don't know how it happened but it did. It's not me smg4.. something is going on with me and I'm scared!" Says with a shaken voice. Smg4 looked over and have him another big hug.

He immediately hug back and shaken quite small. Amg4 stands while his arms is wrapped around smg3, wondered if it's true or not. He looked around and noticed so many papers on the walls, the bed is covered and the walls is covered as well. He sigh and pull back then look at him. "If it's true.. we need to find out who or what has been doing this to you. I hope there is a way to get this out of you and make your own sled again. No matter what.. I'll help" smg4 said with a soft tone and gave him a hug. Smg3 sigh relief that smg4 would help him. He tear up and hug back tightly. The two had their moment and it was peaceful.

 The two had their moment and it was peaceful

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