Chapter 20: Malison's true form (finale)

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(⚠️Warning⚠️ this story may have swearing, violence, blood, gore and has a dark matter of life existence. Be warned.)

SMG4 and cappella is discussing how to defeat minus and Malison once and for all. Smg3 unconscious on the ground with meggy along with his side, to be sure he is okay while he rest. Other corruption in this cave have their own unique ability and ways of their lives. Depending how you were raised and treated, an animal represents of your own mind and soul. Which means it can be a sign how are you with your life in different ways that it'll be a blessing or a curse depending how you are feeling. Hannah walked up to meggy, "Hi! Would you like a flower crown?" She giggled and lifted up a pink flower crown, meggy did gasped by her appearance, small wings on her arms with a feathers on her head and ears.. So she shrug it off and smiled, "sure, this is lovely! So pink, pretty and cute. I think it'll be fitting with my hair." Meggy said as she put it over her hat. Hannah giggled and flapped her shiny wings with joy. Tari walk up and chuckled nervously as she has blue flower crown. Hannah went up to her then hugged Tari and smiled. "Tari! Tari! I made one for your friend! She is very nice!" Hannah say with a hint of excitement.

Meggy look up to Tari with a tired expression. Tari sat down with her and pat her shoulder, "what's wrong meggy? Is there something in your mind?" She asked softly. Meggy sighed and covered her face with frustration, "I can't believe that minus guy did this to innocent people! Even children! He infected people with- with- stupid curse!" She said in an upset voice. Tari shush her down and hug her, she pat her back while holding her close for comfort. Meggy sigh and hug back. She felt a little better so she pull back and did a weak smile. Tari noticed so she pat her head, "come on. I know we had our own problems and this.. hard situation but I know we will defeat- uh- this person which I don't really know who it is yet.. and I know we will win. We always do! I know it. Now who is the strongest group?" She asked with determination in her eyes when she look at meggy. Meggy smiled, "we are." Says softly. Tari pat her shoulders, "now who are we?" She asked again. Meggy smiled more and lift her head up and said, "we are!" She said loudly, Tari just hug her again. "Yes, we are." She said softly.

Meggy felt better after that

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Meggy felt better after that. Tari got back up and went with Hannah who is a child with the corruption and it made meggy upset at minus for. Smg4 went up to meggy and crouch down, "okay meggy we have a plan and it'll be a long to get it ready. Hopefully it'll be done right away when it's started and I need you to be here with smg3 okay? Protect him if you can." He said as he about to walk away until meggy stop him back grabbing his arm. "Smg4 you can't just leave us here! We are a team! I want to help you. I don't want you to do this on your own without us.. please." She said as she gave him a serious expression. SMG4 shook his head and hold her hand, "look, you're helping me by watch over smg3 while he rest. You and him are injured and I don't know you both to be more than that so please.. just stay here and watch over him while I help cappella." He gave her a serious yet sad expression and it made meggy felt bad.

So she nod and sat back down as she look over to smg3, smg4 nod as well before he walks away and went back to cappella. "Okay so we have to repeat this again, cappella and other strong corruptions go hide and be prepared when they approach. Me and other silent corruption will be sneaking up to them while Jamie will bring minus and Malison to us as we all ambushed them! Then cappella has the holy water to spray them at the face as they die. Does anyone understand?" He asked as the others nodded. Smg4 knew what's coming so he is ready and so on the others. So, they all went out and leave the Injured corruptions in the cave alone to recover. Cappella sigh deeply and gotten nervous then of course smg4 noticed, "come on cappella I know this is scary but I know how it is. I've been there.. a lot to be honest." He chuckled and pat her back, cappella nod and gave him a nervous smile. They all split up while Jamie runs first, they are a fast deer so it'll be quick.

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