Chapter 14: warm reception

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(⚠️A few mature languages⚠️)

SMG4 and meggy are still hidden away from seeking guards. They are in deep trouble until meggy remembered something. "Wait! I remember now! Since you called me, I thought I could get some back up when things get tough here." She said as he reach into her pocket. Smg4 looked at her confused, "wait what?! You had back up yet you didn't told me!" He said. Meggy gave smg4 a disappointing look. "Smg4, I know you. I know your plans may be wrong approach so I had to use back up just in case. Yeah.. sorry smg4. I had to." Then she taken out her phone and dial tari, smg4 was about to say something until he paused and now realized his plans. He just shrug it off since it always happens. SMG4 sat closer and listened for a moment. "Oh, tari? I- we.. need your help. Yes, we need back up. Where are we? Well we are at some kind of 'abandoned' building in the forest. I was wondering if you get others and get ready for.. some.. guns, strong arms and tough people here.... Great! How long you'll be here? ... 20 minutes? Okay.. just get here and be ready. SMG4 and I are trapped in a closet on the.. can't remember which floor and they're looking for us. Okay, see you later tari, be hurry.. bye" she hung up and took a deep breathe.

"Well..?" Smg4 asked quietly. Meggy took a deep breath and look at smg4 worry. "Well you would heard me by now. Tari and others will join us in 20 minutes. They might have a plan and may be enough to get us out and other.. people who were trapped here. I don't know how we can do this but we have to try!" Meggy said with sparkles in her eyes. Smg4 chuckled and smiled at her. "Yes meggy I know, we need a plan to as well. Maybe call her back before-" smg4 got interrupted by a bang on the door. "They're in here! In here!" A high voice outside of the door. SMG4 and meggy starting to freak out as they looked around and trying to find a way out but it was too late. Someone break down the door and ran up to them, pinned them down and growled. Smg4 and meggy freaked out and screamed. They looked up and noticed this person, a person with big fluffy ears and a puffy black hair and with a white spot. He was wearing a muzzle for a reason. Smg4 can tell his eyes were filled with pain and fear. 

The person saying "sorry" repeatedly under his breath to smg4 and meggy

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The person saying "sorry" repeatedly under his breath to smg4 and meggy. They both look at this and felt bad. Until a sudden voice behind them. "That's enough, bring them to my office now.. Mike." The recognizable voice has heard. Mike picked them both up and hold them on his shoulders to be sure they don't escape. They realize how tall this Mike is, around 8 to 8"5 feet tall. He walk out of the room and follow someone which meggy and smg4 cannot see. They only see the back view. They struggled and squirm as it's no use to move at all. "SMG4.. we need to stay calm.. we don't want-" she got interrupted by a guy whole walk up to them behind. "Shut it lady!! Keep quiet and don't say a god damn word! Our boss wants a talk with you when we get to his office.." he said as he taken his knife out. "Daniel that is unnecessary for you using a knife now, just we until we get there." The pink hair guy said. "Sorry boss, it won't happen again" and he took his knife away and look at them both while following Mike. 

Smg4 whispered, "are you in lgbtq because your knife is pink..?" He said with a giggle. Meggy look at smg4 with disbelief what just happened. Daniel scoffed and look at him with a stare, smg4 immediately shut his mouth and look another direction. Mike just giggled and shook it off. "Hey! Watch it big fur ball!" Daniel said. Mike sigh softly and continues. For smg3, he is thinking a way to get out. He walked in circles and talking silently to himself. "So.. I am not alone with this curse, I am here with others yet I don't know who they and some how they know I am part of them? Of course I saw this whole lucid dreaming but it could be a sign that I am not alone in this.. god damn it!" He kicked onto the wall and there is a small dint, he did stub his toe. "This is to much to think! I need some time!" The room echoed and yet it faded away and it went quiet once again. He sat back down and tried to think more positive. 

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