Chapter 2: experience

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Smg3 is laying on smg4's bed, floors creaking, fan turning and a bright light from the window behind him. He's thinking if there is a way to get rid of this weird form he's in. He sigh and looks up to the ceiling. Smg4 walk in and brought some water and sandwiches. "Here smg3, I got you some lunch. You feeling okay?" He asked in a gentle voice while he pass smg3's lunch. "Oh I don't know.. I feel.. weird." He sigh and took a bite of his sandwich. "Weird like how I have these.." smg3 said as he taken off his gloves and show smg4 he got some paws. Smg4 eye widen and immediately grab his hand. "What the- I didn't know you have some.. paws?" Then he just rub his face with smg3's hand. He sigh and smile while smg3 just blushed. 

"I just found out this morning, my hand was itchy and when I took off my glove, I have these.. for some weird reason." Smg3 looked over and noticed smg4 is not even paying attention. He chuckled and let him continue with his soft and squishy paws. Smg4 open his eyes and look at him with awe. "What else did you find out? Just these paws or something?" He asked and sat right beside him. Smg3 realized his hand is on his and then he looked into his eyes. His eyes were full of curiosity and bright as he stare at smg3. 

They stare for a moment until smg3's tail started to wag

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They stare for a moment until smg3's tail started to wag. "Aww! I guess you're excited to!" Smg4 chuckled while he look at his tail. "What!? No- no! I'm not-" he stutter as he tried to hold his tail down and feeling embarrassed. He place his hand on his shoulder and smile. "Smg3, it's fine. I find it very interesting and.. adorable.." smg4 said with a little laugh. Smg3 just ended up blushing and plopped onto the bed. Smg3 just sigh and just hold his tail. A slight wag as he holds. He closed his eyes and say softly.

"Okay fine.. I am excited.. it's just.. I never knew any of this and.. wondered what else is there besides paws." He lay there while he lift his hands and look at him with curiosity. Smg4 lay beside him and look with him. They both lay there, thinking. The gentle wind went by the window, the birds still singing while the sun brightens behind them. It was wonderful. "Hey smg4..?" He broke the silence by speaking. "Yeah? What is it smg3?" Smg4 spoke in a gentle voice. "Why did you stick with me? Why did you stay with me even though I just hurt you?" His voice sounded dull yet saddened. Smg4 look at him with a worry eyes. He look up and sigh. "I stayed because.. you need me, i stayed because I know it's you. The real you. I forgave you when you hurt me.. I know I freaked out at first but.. I stayed calm and noticed the way you.. were in this situation where.. I know you needed someone and that someone.. is me" 

Smg3 immediately sat up then stare down and wondered if he's doing this on purpose or not

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Smg3 immediately sat up then stare down and wondered if he's doing this on purpose or not. "That didn't really answer my question! Do you hate me!? Do you just had no choice and stay with me while I'm some kind of.. monster!?" He spoke in aggressive manner while smg4 lay there, feeling bad for smg3. He sat up and look into his eyes, smiling. "I'm doing this because.. I love you." Then he hug smg3 tight and sigh. Smg3 tears appear and hug back. He nuzzled him while saying "I'm sorry.. didn't mean to.." quietly and repeatedly but a sudden purr came from him.

Smg4 eyes widen and look up to him. "Dude.. are you purring? I can hear it.." smg3 just let go and sit back while looking at smg4 feeling so.. weird and red. "No! I-it's not me! It's not- no-" he cannot stop purring. "That's.. pretty cute actually!" Says smg4 with a simple smile. "W-wha.. really? You don't.. mind.?" He said quietly while he look away and the purr gotten louder. "Yeah! I don't mind.. it's so cute of you" then he patted smg3 head. He gotten shivers and looked at him. "Oh uh.. sorry.. that's rude of me to do that.." then he moved back but smg3 grab his hand. "I didn't say no.. it's.. pretty comforting actually.. " smg3 said with a nervous smile. Smg4 sigh and place his hand and patted smg3. 

He sat there while smg4 is petting him, it was nice and comforting

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He sat there while smg4 is petting him, it was nice and comforting. He gotten warm and cuddly where he just lay onto his lap and sigh happily. Smg4 blushed and smiled. He continued petting him. "This is.. pretty nice. We will find a way to.. get you back to normal, smg3. Just the two of us" smg3 look up at him. "What about the others? Why don't we ask them for help?" He asked while he lay there, relaxing. "You know how meggy is, would do anything to help.. I know it's stupid not getting others now but.. we need our time together first and then.. maybe get some help" he said with a nervous laugh. "Smg4.. that's.. pretty stupid.." he chuckled and smiled. "Hey! I'm not stupid!" He said with a grumpy face. To smg3, he was adorable.

"Well.. you are my idiot.." he lay there while he's looking at smg4. "Well.. we'll do your way and see what happens. How long we gonna be here for exactly?" Smg3 asked. Smg4 paused for a moment, thinking. "Eh maybe a few days like.. 4 days?" He shrugs and continues petting smg3. Smg3 just lay there, staring. He shrug as well and exhale slowly. "Alright.. let's do that. Maybe I'll figure something out then" he said with a yawn. Smg4 notice so he chuckled. "Are you that tired? Do you need a nappy?" Says with a playful smile while he squeezes his face. Smg3 giggled and looked at him. "Yeah yeah.. I do need one. I never been so tired before" he sat up and gettint comfortable on the bed. Like a cat of course.. "I hope you get a good nap smg3, I'll be at the store for some groceries." Smg4 said with a gentle smile and kissed his forehead. Then he got up and went out of the door, leaving smg3 alone in his RV. 


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