Chapter 10: unattended

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Smg3 walk by some endless trail of trees, a sun shine, birds sing while some grass dances with the a soft wind went by and the noise of small steps by smg3 walking. It seems so calm of the nature but in smg3's mind is blank yet fill with worry thoughts and feelings. Guilt, sadness, anger and fear. A voice behind smg3, "Well isn't this something?" Malison said with a silly giggle. Smg3 jumped then turn around immediately, he saw no one. "Oh no not again.." he says quietly to himself. "Oooh yes! It's happening again. I do hope know what you're doing" they said as they appeared smg3's sight. Smg3 sigh deeply then continue walking. "Oh shut it you.. I don't want to hear it." He said with a tired tone. "But I do want to know!" Malison as they went in front of smg3. "Now tell me.. is there a reason why you wanted to leave your little precious boyfriend behind?"

He stopped and looked away, he gotten tired of this situation already. "It's not your business.. Malison.. just leave me al-" Malison interrupted him. "Alone right? You know I can hear your thoughts and mind.. I know what you're thinking now.." they say as they poke smg3's forehead. "All of your thoughts in your mind.. I can see and hear. Non stop.." smg3 gulped and looked away again. Sighing before he stare back. "So that means you saw what I was thinking of? Including the-" they interrupted him again, "well yes of course! You have a naughty mind! I don't really care since this is pretty much of everyday of my.. 'life'" they giggled and float above him. "Great, your life is nice and all but this is getting old already, of you being a control here.. right?" He shrug and look over. "Well yes! Pretty much"

He just rub his forehead frustration and continue on the walk, ignoring them

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He just rub his forehead frustration and continue on the walk, ignoring them. Malison hums a joyful yet disturbing melody. Smg3 of course is annoyed by this, he tried and tried to not even reaction to this annoying goat creature humming along with him to his side, so close. Smg3 immediately turn and said: "what do you do exactly?! Just be here and be annoying!?" He snapped and stare at Malison. They laughed loudly and stared back. "Ooh Ooh someone is cranky! I think he needs a nappy time!" They say while they get closer to him. "Maybe you need a nap since you didn't even sleep last night.. we both know you need it so bad.." they whispered to his ear, smg3 got goosebumps by hearing that.

"I do not need a nap.. I don't need you to tell me what to do!" As he just turn away and walks away.  Malison floats beside him, smiles unnervingly. Humming endlessly while they clap their hooves in rhythm. He is of course pissed off. So he just let them be while he tried to find a way to think of something what to do. Malison went up to his ear then whispered, "sleep.." then smg3 suddenly drifting to sleep. He collapsed to the ground as Malison cackled away. Standing over his body while tilt their head. The cackle slowly fades away in smg3's mind. Then it turn into darkness once again. Smg3 groan loudly then echoing through, he just stays in the darkness, floating around and crossed his arms. "Alright! I get it! Just go on with it already!" But nothing has happened, it was to silence. 

The silence is sort of unsettling, nothing has changed, nothing has happened

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The silence is sort of unsettling, nothing has changed, nothing has happened. Smg3 of course felt so uncomfortable, floating alone in here while he's in his own mind. Later on the real world, Malison giggles to this unconscious smg3 laying on the ground. "Sweet dreams!" Then they vanished in the air, leaving him be for now. Smg4 on the other hand, is getting ready. Grabbing snacks, items, his map and his phone. All into his backpack and stuffing it down while panicking. He got up, looked up to the letter smg3 has left.

 "Oh smg3.. you should've just stayed with me.. I just want to help you" he said to himself as he got up, grabs the flashlight and open the door. He took a deep breathe then walk out of the door and began to smg3. Who is alone in the woods. While with smg3, he's on the ground sleeping away and his mind is empty. He just floats there, slowly losing his grip of his mind. He cannot take any longer, so he tried to think of a way to wake up and end this horrible situation he's in. He cannot do anything at this point, but of course he kept thinking by himself. Malison appeared, always has a smile on their face. Smg3 startled by a sudden appearance.

 Smg3 startled by a sudden appearance

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"Well there you are.. once again you just appear.. great.." smg3 said with a grumpy smile. Malison just ended up just giggled by this reaction. They went up to him so close that their face is inches away from smg3's. No words from Malison, just giggling and laugh filling up the void, slowly making smg3 going insane. "What do you want!? Is this what you wanted!? Just keep annoying me until I snap?!" He yelled at their face. They just kept going and going non-stop, without any small breaks or short inhale. It's so loud and endless. Smg3 hold his ears shut then tried to not to hear of this very loud laughing from this creature. 

"Just leave me alone!" He said as he just open his eyes, Malison is gone, so does the laughing. "Oh god finally.." he said with a sigh of relief. He just floats there again, miss quiet void. Malison has no where in sight, so he's alone once more. No laughing, no giggling and no Malison, it was sort of at peace, for not to long. So he stayed there, not moving a muscle. In the real world, it's been a day in a half, smg3 has still sleeping on the ground. Smg4 has exhausted from walking and searching for smg3. He stop then sat down beside the tree and taken out the snacks, apples, grapes and crackers to fill his empty growling stomach. Maybe this day smg4 will find smg3, who knows? He may find something else.. 

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